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NWL High School Class of 2015 senior awards

The following awards were presented at the Senior Awards Ceremonies at Northwestern Lehigh High School or LCTI:

Lauren Anderson:

President's Award for Eductional Excellence; Weisenberg Elementary Award; Mark Guensch "Livin' the Dream"

Matthew Archer:

Mark Guensch "Livin' the Dream"

Cidney Bachert:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; Northwestern Elementary Award; Literati Award

Claire Bachman:

Northwestern Elementary Award; Rural Preservation Association of Northwestern; 2015 Blood Donor Recruitment Scholarship from Miller Keystone Blood Center

Chelsie Binder:

Northwestern Lehigh Scholarship Fund

Erica Bond:

FLIC Award for German; 2015 Blood Donor Recruitment Scholarship from Miller Keystone Blood Center

Patrick Brannan:

LCTI Outstanding Attendance Award

Rachele Cerrone:

Northwestern Elementary Award

Caroline Christ:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; Weisenberg Elementary Award

Alessandro Conseulos:

President's Award for Educational Excellence

Stephanie Covert:

Elmer Gates Award

Erin Crawford:

Marsha Johnston Teacher Scholarship; Northwestern Elementary Award; Creative Kids North Child Development Award; NWL Education Association Award; Dale Roth & Associates Award

Frank Dangello:

Northwestern Elementary Award

Tyler Dengler:

LCTI Technical Excellence Award

Devon Devers:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; DAR Award; Weisenberg Elementary Award; Science Olympiad Team Award; Drama Club Award: Krysta Hankee TeenWorks Community Service Award; Student Council Award

Ashlyn DiCataldo:

Student Council Award; Justin Hummel Award

Brandon Eden:

Weisenberg Elementary Award; Nick Gustafson Memorial Golf Award

Dylan Faust:

Carl and Marion Betz Memorial Award

Tiffany Fenstermaker:

LCTI Academic Excellence Award

Rachel Fisher:

Weisenberg Elementary Award; U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete

Austin Fitzgerald:

Citizens of the Community Award; Ontelaunee Lions Club Award; LCTI Outstanding Student Award

Daniana Ford:

Science Olympiad Team Award

Cody Gangaware:

NW Lehigh High School Scholarship; Citizens of the Community Award

Jeffrey Garbacik:

Science Olympiad Team Award; National Merit Finalist

Alexis Gawelko:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; Best of the Best: Northwestern Elementary Award; Ontelaunee Lions Club Award; Lauretta Lear Memorial Award; Balfour Award; New Tripoli Bank Award

Nicole Generose:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; ERACE Award; U.S. Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award

Joshua George:

LCTI Academic Excellence Award

Natcheli Gomes:

Samuel Feehrer (FEHR) Lincoln Investment Award

Eli Gough:

Science Olympiad Team Award; Gary Day State Representative Productivity Award

Daneen Haas:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; FLIC Award for Spanish; Science Olympiad Team Award

Madison Hahn:

DIJ Insurance Agency Award

Dakota Hamm:

LCTI Outstanding Student Award

Daniel Hamm:

NW Lehigh Scholarship "Salt of the Earth"

Sarah Heiter:

Rodney Meagher Memorial Higher Education Award

Brandon Herb:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; Science Olympiad Team Award; Northwestern Elementary Award; Gary Day State Representative Productivity Award

Laura Hill:

President's Award for Educational Excellence

Lauren Hill:

Northwestern Elementary Award; NWL Alumni Award; Mark Resh Memorial Award

Elizabeth Iobst:

Krysta Hankee Leadership Award

Abby Kemmerer:

NWL Alumni Award

Taylor Kocher:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; Slatedale-Emerald Lion Club Lion Liard Swartz Scholarship Award; Northwestern Elementary Award; Class of 2004 Award

Mikela Lagler:

Dale Roth and Associates Award

Taylor Lagler:

LCTI Technical Excellence Award; LCTI 600 hour DPW Assistant Group Supervisor Certificate

Rachel Landes:

Weisenberg Elementary Award; Altruism Award; EAC of Heidelberg Township Award; Citizens of the Community Award; Kenneth Fisher Award: Amanda Wirth Memorial Award; Shaunice Jarjous Memorial Award

Sarah Malay:

Key Club Award

Sabrina Mertz:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; Weisenberg Elementary Award; U.S. Army Reserve Scholar/Athlete; NWL Alumni Award; Steven P. Kohler Memorial Award

Colleen Morrison:

Northwestern Elementary Award; Dr. Barry Follweiler Award

Zachary Moyer:

LCTI Outstanding Leadership Award

Bailey Muhl:

Drama Club Award

Jaedon Muhl:

Rotary Club Award; Drama Club Longevity Award

Trisha Nagle:

Central Grange Award; Northwestern Elementary Award; Andrew J. Fiedler Memorial Award

Sarah Overstrom:

Northwestern Elementary Award; Lehigh Valley Chapter PA Guild of Craftsmen; NWL Alumni Award

Roseanna Pergosky:

Art Award; Andrew J. Fiedler Memorial Award

Kristen Post:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; Weisenberg Elementary Award; Rotary Club Award

Brenton Reigel:

Northwestern Elementary Award

Braxton Reppert:

LCTI Technical Excellence Award; LCTI Brilliat-Savarin Award for Excellence in Gastronomy

Trevor Rex:

LCTI Outstanding Attendance Award

Cameron Richardson:

Central Grange Award

Michaela Roberts:

ERACE Award: Northwestern Lehigh Scholarship Fund

Mayra Rodriguez Ontiveros:

DIJ Insurance Agency Award

Patrick Rowland:

Special Achievement Award

Alexander Russo:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete

Tyler Schappell:

LCTI Technical Excellence Award; LCTI Outstanding Leadership Award; LCTI Outstanding Attendance Award; LCTI Outstanding Student Award

Grace Schoeniger:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; Science Olympiad Team Award; BoTkach Award; Mark Guensch Golden Rule Award; Claussville Garden Club Award

Kari Schultheis:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; Science Olympiad Team Award; National Merit Finalist; Balfour Award; New Tripoli Bank Award

Sarah Segan:

Blue Mountain Wo-men's Winter Weekend Leadership Award

Samantha Shablin:

Science National Honor Society Award

Christina Shackett:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; Slatington Lodge 440 F&AM Award; National Honor Society Award

Herbert Shackleton III:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; U.S. Army Reserve Scholar/Athlete; U.S. Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award

Michael Shoemaker:

LCTI Chuck Chapman Award

Michael Sipos:

Grundsow Lodge 18 German Award

Alissa Smith:

Earl and Ferne Keller Music Award; President's Award for Educational Excellence; Band Booster Club Award

Jacob Steidinger:

Science Olympiad Team Award; Valley Forge Chapter-Sons of the American Revolution Award; Science National Honor Society Award

Emily Strohl:

Elmer Gates Award; Dr. Fallinger Award

Andrew Sutjak:

LCTI Technical Excellence Award

Emily Tentarelli:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; National Merit Finalist

Dylan Wagner:

LCTI Outstanding Attendance Award

Lori Walbert:

LCTI Academic Excellence Award

Kelsey White:

President's Award for Educational Excellence; Northwestern Elementary Award

Jacob Wiersch:

Donley Award; President's Award for Educational Excellence; Pastorius Award for Excellence in German; Mark Guensch Golden Rule Award; Congressman Charles Dent Congressional Citizenship Award

Emily Wilk:

U.S. Marine Corps Semper Fidelis; Band Booster Club Award; Dennis Nemes Award

Valedictorian: Alexis Nicole Gawelko

Salutatorian: Kari Ann Schultheis

National Honor Society: Lauren E. Anderson, Cidney Elizabeth Bachert, Claire Marie Bachman, Rachele Sara Cerrone, Caroline Marie Christ, Jaime Cleary, Erin Grace Crawford, Alexis Nicole Gawelko, Nicole Marie Generose, Daneen Elizabeth Haas, Laura Beth Hill, Lauren P. Hill, Abby Salvatrice Kemmerer, Taylor S. Kocher, Rachel E. Landes, Juliet Elisabeth Long, Sarah Grace Malay, Sabrina Lynn Mertz, Trisha Nicole Nagle, Sarah Jean Overstrom, Kristen Marie Post, Kaylee Ann Rex, Michaela Denise Roberts, Jordan Ann Schnur, Grace Elizabeth Schoeniger, Kari Ann Schultheis, Sarah Ashley Segan, Samantha Ann Shablin, Christina Melissa Shackett, Carley M. Sheetz, Alissa C. Smith, Emily Esther Tentarelli, Nicole Annette Venusto, Kelsey Virginia White, Emily Mae Wilk

LCTI National Honor Society: Sarah Lynn Heiter.