Viking football wins championship Congratulations to our Viking football team being the District 11 Class 4A football champions! The Vikings defeated Nor... Fundraiser to benefit Third Street Alliance through Dec. 18 With 2020 and COVID-19 hindering the activities of clubs and extracurricular activities it is important to celebrate wha... Look for Santa in eastern Salisbury Dec. 19 As we make our way through the final month of the craziness that has been 2020, I ask everyone to take a minute and refl... Salisbury school board meetings planned for Dec. 2 I had a little adventure since I last wrote to you. About two weeks ago, my appendix burst and I had an appendectomy. Th... Salisbury students take top awards in Emmaus Film Festival The Emmaus Student Film Festival is held annually with the goal of allowing high school and middle school students throu... Allentown Central Catholic High School celebrates success Allentown Central Catholic High School is proud to be ranked No. 1 best Catholic high school in the Allentown area for 2... Congratulations to the first SES T-shirt design winner Salisbury Elementary School has a T-shirt design winner! Congratulations to Skylar Destremps for her creativity in desig... Allentown Central Catholic High School celebrates homecoming Congratulations to the 2020 Allentown Central Catholic High School Homecoming Court; Jah’Kai Douglas, Robert Garza, Liam... Salisbury High School to host blood drive Nov. 11 Quickly, before getting into this article, I’d like to say Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all of our veterans for putt... Salisbury Elementary School to hold annual book fair The first marking period has come and gone and we have changed the clocks back. That can only mean that we are quickly a... « Previous 31 32 33 » Next Trinity United Church of Christ closing‘It’s all for the kids’Holiday lights shine bright at Greenawalds homeLuther Crest wins first in dining designSanta stops at East Allen park
Fundraiser to benefit Third Street Alliance through Dec. 18 With 2020 and COVID-19 hindering the activities of clubs and extracurricular activities it is important to celebrate wha... Look for Santa in eastern Salisbury Dec. 19 As we make our way through the final month of the craziness that has been 2020, I ask everyone to take a minute and refl... Salisbury school board meetings planned for Dec. 2 I had a little adventure since I last wrote to you. About two weeks ago, my appendix burst and I had an appendectomy. Th... Salisbury students take top awards in Emmaus Film Festival The Emmaus Student Film Festival is held annually with the goal of allowing high school and middle school students throu... Allentown Central Catholic High School celebrates success Allentown Central Catholic High School is proud to be ranked No. 1 best Catholic high school in the Allentown area for 2... Congratulations to the first SES T-shirt design winner Salisbury Elementary School has a T-shirt design winner! Congratulations to Skylar Destremps for her creativity in desig... Allentown Central Catholic High School celebrates homecoming Congratulations to the 2020 Allentown Central Catholic High School Homecoming Court; Jah’Kai Douglas, Robert Garza, Liam... Salisbury High School to host blood drive Nov. 11 Quickly, before getting into this article, I’d like to say Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all of our veterans for putt... Salisbury Elementary School to hold annual book fair The first marking period has come and gone and we have changed the clocks back. That can only mean that we are quickly a... « Previous 31 32 33 » Next Trinity United Church of Christ closing‘It’s all for the kids’Holiday lights shine bright at Greenawalds homeLuther Crest wins first in dining designSanta stops at East Allen park
Look for Santa in eastern Salisbury Dec. 19 As we make our way through the final month of the craziness that has been 2020, I ask everyone to take a minute and refl... Salisbury school board meetings planned for Dec. 2 I had a little adventure since I last wrote to you. About two weeks ago, my appendix burst and I had an appendectomy. Th... Salisbury students take top awards in Emmaus Film Festival The Emmaus Student Film Festival is held annually with the goal of allowing high school and middle school students throu... Allentown Central Catholic High School celebrates success Allentown Central Catholic High School is proud to be ranked No. 1 best Catholic high school in the Allentown area for 2... Congratulations to the first SES T-shirt design winner Salisbury Elementary School has a T-shirt design winner! Congratulations to Skylar Destremps for her creativity in desig... Allentown Central Catholic High School celebrates homecoming Congratulations to the 2020 Allentown Central Catholic High School Homecoming Court; Jah’Kai Douglas, Robert Garza, Liam... Salisbury High School to host blood drive Nov. 11 Quickly, before getting into this article, I’d like to say Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all of our veterans for putt... Salisbury Elementary School to hold annual book fair The first marking period has come and gone and we have changed the clocks back. That can only mean that we are quickly a... « Previous 31 32 33 » Next Trinity United Church of Christ closing‘It’s all for the kids’Holiday lights shine bright at Greenawalds homeLuther Crest wins first in dining designSanta stops at East Allen park
Salisbury school board meetings planned for Dec. 2 I had a little adventure since I last wrote to you. About two weeks ago, my appendix burst and I had an appendectomy. Th... Salisbury students take top awards in Emmaus Film Festival The Emmaus Student Film Festival is held annually with the goal of allowing high school and middle school students throu... Allentown Central Catholic High School celebrates success Allentown Central Catholic High School is proud to be ranked No. 1 best Catholic high school in the Allentown area for 2... Congratulations to the first SES T-shirt design winner Salisbury Elementary School has a T-shirt design winner! Congratulations to Skylar Destremps for her creativity in desig... Allentown Central Catholic High School celebrates homecoming Congratulations to the 2020 Allentown Central Catholic High School Homecoming Court; Jah’Kai Douglas, Robert Garza, Liam... Salisbury High School to host blood drive Nov. 11 Quickly, before getting into this article, I’d like to say Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all of our veterans for putt... Salisbury Elementary School to hold annual book fair The first marking period has come and gone and we have changed the clocks back. That can only mean that we are quickly a... « Previous 31 32 33 » Next Trinity United Church of Christ closing‘It’s all for the kids’Holiday lights shine bright at Greenawalds homeLuther Crest wins first in dining designSanta stops at East Allen park
Salisbury students take top awards in Emmaus Film Festival The Emmaus Student Film Festival is held annually with the goal of allowing high school and middle school students throu... Allentown Central Catholic High School celebrates success Allentown Central Catholic High School is proud to be ranked No. 1 best Catholic high school in the Allentown area for 2... Congratulations to the first SES T-shirt design winner Salisbury Elementary School has a T-shirt design winner! Congratulations to Skylar Destremps for her creativity in desig... Allentown Central Catholic High School celebrates homecoming Congratulations to the 2020 Allentown Central Catholic High School Homecoming Court; Jah’Kai Douglas, Robert Garza, Liam... Salisbury High School to host blood drive Nov. 11 Quickly, before getting into this article, I’d like to say Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all of our veterans for putt... Salisbury Elementary School to hold annual book fair The first marking period has come and gone and we have changed the clocks back. That can only mean that we are quickly a... « Previous 31 32 33 » Next Trinity United Church of Christ closing‘It’s all for the kids’Holiday lights shine bright at Greenawalds homeLuther Crest wins first in dining designSanta stops at East Allen park
Allentown Central Catholic High School celebrates success Allentown Central Catholic High School is proud to be ranked No. 1 best Catholic high school in the Allentown area for 2... Congratulations to the first SES T-shirt design winner Salisbury Elementary School has a T-shirt design winner! Congratulations to Skylar Destremps for her creativity in desig... Allentown Central Catholic High School celebrates homecoming Congratulations to the 2020 Allentown Central Catholic High School Homecoming Court; Jah’Kai Douglas, Robert Garza, Liam... Salisbury High School to host blood drive Nov. 11 Quickly, before getting into this article, I’d like to say Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all of our veterans for putt... Salisbury Elementary School to hold annual book fair The first marking period has come and gone and we have changed the clocks back. That can only mean that we are quickly a... « Previous 31 32 33 » Next Trinity United Church of Christ closing‘It’s all for the kids’Holiday lights shine bright at Greenawalds homeLuther Crest wins first in dining designSanta stops at East Allen park
Congratulations to the first SES T-shirt design winner Salisbury Elementary School has a T-shirt design winner! Congratulations to Skylar Destremps for her creativity in desig... Allentown Central Catholic High School celebrates homecoming Congratulations to the 2020 Allentown Central Catholic High School Homecoming Court; Jah’Kai Douglas, Robert Garza, Liam... Salisbury High School to host blood drive Nov. 11 Quickly, before getting into this article, I’d like to say Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all of our veterans for putt... Salisbury Elementary School to hold annual book fair The first marking period has come and gone and we have changed the clocks back. That can only mean that we are quickly a... « Previous 31 32 33 » Next
Allentown Central Catholic High School celebrates homecoming Congratulations to the 2020 Allentown Central Catholic High School Homecoming Court; Jah’Kai Douglas, Robert Garza, Liam... Salisbury High School to host blood drive Nov. 11 Quickly, before getting into this article, I’d like to say Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all of our veterans for putt... Salisbury Elementary School to hold annual book fair The first marking period has come and gone and we have changed the clocks back. That can only mean that we are quickly a...
Salisbury High School to host blood drive Nov. 11 Quickly, before getting into this article, I’d like to say Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all of our veterans for putt... Salisbury Elementary School to hold annual book fair The first marking period has come and gone and we have changed the clocks back. That can only mean that we are quickly a...
Salisbury Elementary School to hold annual book fair The first marking period has come and gone and we have changed the clocks back. That can only mean that we are quickly a...