iXchange honors Chad Paul, welcomes Angelo Valletta The 2021 iXchange included a farewell to retiring President and CEO Chad Paul and a welcome to new Ben Franklin Presiden...
Ben Franklin appoints technology officer The Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeastern Pennsylvania (BFTP-NEP) has appointed Melanie A. Kohler as Chief Te...
Respectfully Yours: Handle embarrassing moments with humor Dear Jacquelyn, I know it happens to everyone, but when I have an embarrassing moment, like spilling coffee down my shir...
The Family Project: Choosing daycare for 18-month-old Q: My husband and I will be going back to work full-time soon. We are starting to look for daycare for our 18-month-old ...
Healthy Geezer: Hormones, travel, LASIK Q. What is the value of taking hormones for menopause? To help control menopause symptoms, there is Hormone Therapy (HT)...
Review: 113th Bach Festival a triumph by any measure It was meant to be. It had to be. Despite coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic concerns, The Bach Choir of Bethlehem prevaile...
Curtain Rises: Touchstone Theatre Young Playwrights’ Festival ‘Sweet 16’ It’s “Sweet 16” for Touchstone Theatre’s Young Playwrights’ Festival. The South Bethlehem theater’s 16th year of its acc...
EMMAUS: ‘Tuck Everlasting’ An 11-year-old girl discovers immortality in “Tuck Everlasting,” streaming, 7 p.m. June 5 and 2 p.m. June 6 in a product...
WHITEHALL: ‘Shrek’ An annoyed ogre finds himself on a life-changing journey when “DreamWorks’ Shrek the Musical” streams from the stage of ...