Pennsylvania State police Threat to use weapons Zachary William Keys, 29, of Lehighton, was charged with threatening to use weapons of mass destru... Northampton police Northampton police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 11 Officers assisted females in the 1600 block of L... Catasauqua police Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 14 An unwanted person in the unit block of Front Str... Whitehall police Whitehall police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 7 Officers investigated a reported overdose in the 80... Coplay police Coplay police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 7 Suspicious activity in the unit block of North Third S... Police presence ... North Catasauqua police North Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 13 Officers were on the scene of a domestic di... Emmaus police Criminal mischief A BB or pellet gun hole was found in a fence in the 300 block of Adrain Street, according to Emmaus po... Northampton police Northampton police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 5 Traffic stops were conducted in the 200 block of ... Hit-and-run crash info sought Two people were injured in a hit-and-run crash at 2:11 p.m. Feb. 16 on Route 22 in Hanover Township, Lehigh County. Stat... « Previous 107 108 109 » Next Bethlehem man charged with assault in Emmaus found dead Emmaus Police Chief Charles Palmer retires after 27 years on the jobVolunteer pilot transports animals to new shelters, homesEmmaus High School announces first quarter honor rollAvian flu found in Valley snow geese
Northampton police Northampton police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 11 Officers assisted females in the 1600 block of L... Catasauqua police Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 14 An unwanted person in the unit block of Front Str... Whitehall police Whitehall police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 7 Officers investigated a reported overdose in the 80... Coplay police Coplay police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 7 Suspicious activity in the unit block of North Third S... Police presence ... North Catasauqua police North Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 13 Officers were on the scene of a domestic di... Emmaus police Criminal mischief A BB or pellet gun hole was found in a fence in the 300 block of Adrain Street, according to Emmaus po... Northampton police Northampton police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 5 Traffic stops were conducted in the 200 block of ... Hit-and-run crash info sought Two people were injured in a hit-and-run crash at 2:11 p.m. Feb. 16 on Route 22 in Hanover Township, Lehigh County. Stat... « Previous 107 108 109 » Next Bethlehem man charged with assault in Emmaus found dead Emmaus Police Chief Charles Palmer retires after 27 years on the jobVolunteer pilot transports animals to new shelters, homesEmmaus High School announces first quarter honor rollAvian flu found in Valley snow geese
Catasauqua police Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 14 An unwanted person in the unit block of Front Str... Whitehall police Whitehall police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 7 Officers investigated a reported overdose in the 80... Coplay police Coplay police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 7 Suspicious activity in the unit block of North Third S... Police presence ... North Catasauqua police North Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 13 Officers were on the scene of a domestic di... Emmaus police Criminal mischief A BB or pellet gun hole was found in a fence in the 300 block of Adrain Street, according to Emmaus po... Northampton police Northampton police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 5 Traffic stops were conducted in the 200 block of ... Hit-and-run crash info sought Two people were injured in a hit-and-run crash at 2:11 p.m. Feb. 16 on Route 22 in Hanover Township, Lehigh County. Stat... « Previous 107 108 109 » Next Bethlehem man charged with assault in Emmaus found dead Emmaus Police Chief Charles Palmer retires after 27 years on the jobVolunteer pilot transports animals to new shelters, homesEmmaus High School announces first quarter honor rollAvian flu found in Valley snow geese
Whitehall police Whitehall police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 7 Officers investigated a reported overdose in the 80... Coplay police Coplay police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 7 Suspicious activity in the unit block of North Third S... Police presence ... North Catasauqua police North Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 13 Officers were on the scene of a domestic di... Emmaus police Criminal mischief A BB or pellet gun hole was found in a fence in the 300 block of Adrain Street, according to Emmaus po... Northampton police Northampton police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 5 Traffic stops were conducted in the 200 block of ... Hit-and-run crash info sought Two people were injured in a hit-and-run crash at 2:11 p.m. Feb. 16 on Route 22 in Hanover Township, Lehigh County. Stat... « Previous 107 108 109 » Next Bethlehem man charged with assault in Emmaus found dead Emmaus Police Chief Charles Palmer retires after 27 years on the jobVolunteer pilot transports animals to new shelters, homesEmmaus High School announces first quarter honor rollAvian flu found in Valley snow geese
Coplay police Coplay police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 7 Suspicious activity in the unit block of North Third S...
Police presence ... North Catasauqua police North Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 13 Officers were on the scene of a domestic di... Emmaus police Criminal mischief A BB or pellet gun hole was found in a fence in the 300 block of Adrain Street, according to Emmaus po... Northampton police Northampton police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 5 Traffic stops were conducted in the 200 block of ... Hit-and-run crash info sought Two people were injured in a hit-and-run crash at 2:11 p.m. Feb. 16 on Route 22 in Hanover Township, Lehigh County. Stat... « Previous 107 108 109 » Next
North Catasauqua police North Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 13 Officers were on the scene of a domestic di... Emmaus police Criminal mischief A BB or pellet gun hole was found in a fence in the 300 block of Adrain Street, according to Emmaus po... Northampton police Northampton police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 5 Traffic stops were conducted in the 200 block of ... Hit-and-run crash info sought Two people were injured in a hit-and-run crash at 2:11 p.m. Feb. 16 on Route 22 in Hanover Township, Lehigh County. Stat...
Emmaus police Criminal mischief A BB or pellet gun hole was found in a fence in the 300 block of Adrain Street, according to Emmaus po... Northampton police Northampton police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 5 Traffic stops were conducted in the 200 block of ... Hit-and-run crash info sought Two people were injured in a hit-and-run crash at 2:11 p.m. Feb. 16 on Route 22 in Hanover Township, Lehigh County. Stat...
Northampton police Northampton police responded to these and other calls recently. FEB. 5 Traffic stops were conducted in the 200 block of ... Hit-and-run crash info sought Two people were injured in a hit-and-run crash at 2:11 p.m. Feb. 16 on Route 22 in Hanover Township, Lehigh County. Stat...
Hit-and-run crash info sought Two people were injured in a hit-and-run crash at 2:11 p.m. Feb. 16 on Route 22 in Hanover Township, Lehigh County. Stat...