Mihalik follows in his father's footsteps Following the 1997 baseball season, Mike Mihalik Sr., resigned as the Emmaus baseball coach so he would have more time t... EHS falls to Parkland in title game Last Thursday night in the District 11 final at Whitehall High School, the Emmaus girls volleyball team looked across th... Dalton places 18th at state cross country The Emmaus girls' cross country team had been to states in each of the previous two seasons, finishing 17th out of 18 te... Field hockey defense posts 15th shut out While it's the offense that gets the lion's share of the attention in most sports, the defense often winds up winning ch... Scheitrum Classic set for this weekend The second annual Scheitrum Classic will be played this weekend at Emmaus High School. The girls basketball tournament o... Dalton leads girls to silver medal The Emmaus' girls cross country team already has the winner of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference's Most Valuable Playe... Hornets hang around before falling to Zephs Emmaus needed to play nearly a perfect game to stay with Whitehall last week. And probably would have needed a flawless ... Season ends for EHS girls soccer team Now that its season is over, the Emmaus girls soccer team can look back on a season that saw a lot of ups and downs, not... Emmaus-Stroudsburg on collision course Emmaus made it to the finals of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference field hockey playoffs before suffering a tough 1-0 l... EHS teams compete for EPC titles Three Emmaus varsity teams played in Eastern Pennsylvania Conference championship games Thursday. The Hornet boys soccer... « Previous 69 70 71 » Next Emmaus High School announces first quarter honor rollBethlehem man charged with assault in Emmaus found dead19TH ANNUAL ABEs SALUTE LEHIGH VALLEY THEATER: The year 2024 a moving year for area troupesVolunteer pilot transports animals to new shelters, homesAvian flu found in Valley snow geese
EHS falls to Parkland in title game Last Thursday night in the District 11 final at Whitehall High School, the Emmaus girls volleyball team looked across th... Dalton places 18th at state cross country The Emmaus girls' cross country team had been to states in each of the previous two seasons, finishing 17th out of 18 te... Field hockey defense posts 15th shut out While it's the offense that gets the lion's share of the attention in most sports, the defense often winds up winning ch... Scheitrum Classic set for this weekend The second annual Scheitrum Classic will be played this weekend at Emmaus High School. The girls basketball tournament o... Dalton leads girls to silver medal The Emmaus' girls cross country team already has the winner of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference's Most Valuable Playe... Hornets hang around before falling to Zephs Emmaus needed to play nearly a perfect game to stay with Whitehall last week. And probably would have needed a flawless ... Season ends for EHS girls soccer team Now that its season is over, the Emmaus girls soccer team can look back on a season that saw a lot of ups and downs, not... Emmaus-Stroudsburg on collision course Emmaus made it to the finals of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference field hockey playoffs before suffering a tough 1-0 l... EHS teams compete for EPC titles Three Emmaus varsity teams played in Eastern Pennsylvania Conference championship games Thursday. The Hornet boys soccer... « Previous 69 70 71 » Next Emmaus High School announces first quarter honor rollBethlehem man charged with assault in Emmaus found dead19TH ANNUAL ABEs SALUTE LEHIGH VALLEY THEATER: The year 2024 a moving year for area troupesVolunteer pilot transports animals to new shelters, homesAvian flu found in Valley snow geese
Dalton places 18th at state cross country The Emmaus girls' cross country team had been to states in each of the previous two seasons, finishing 17th out of 18 te... Field hockey defense posts 15th shut out While it's the offense that gets the lion's share of the attention in most sports, the defense often winds up winning ch... Scheitrum Classic set for this weekend The second annual Scheitrum Classic will be played this weekend at Emmaus High School. The girls basketball tournament o... Dalton leads girls to silver medal The Emmaus' girls cross country team already has the winner of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference's Most Valuable Playe... Hornets hang around before falling to Zephs Emmaus needed to play nearly a perfect game to stay with Whitehall last week. And probably would have needed a flawless ... Season ends for EHS girls soccer team Now that its season is over, the Emmaus girls soccer team can look back on a season that saw a lot of ups and downs, not... Emmaus-Stroudsburg on collision course Emmaus made it to the finals of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference field hockey playoffs before suffering a tough 1-0 l... EHS teams compete for EPC titles Three Emmaus varsity teams played in Eastern Pennsylvania Conference championship games Thursday. The Hornet boys soccer... « Previous 69 70 71 » Next Emmaus High School announces first quarter honor rollBethlehem man charged with assault in Emmaus found dead19TH ANNUAL ABEs SALUTE LEHIGH VALLEY THEATER: The year 2024 a moving year for area troupesVolunteer pilot transports animals to new shelters, homesAvian flu found in Valley snow geese
Field hockey defense posts 15th shut out While it's the offense that gets the lion's share of the attention in most sports, the defense often winds up winning ch... Scheitrum Classic set for this weekend The second annual Scheitrum Classic will be played this weekend at Emmaus High School. The girls basketball tournament o... Dalton leads girls to silver medal The Emmaus' girls cross country team already has the winner of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference's Most Valuable Playe... Hornets hang around before falling to Zephs Emmaus needed to play nearly a perfect game to stay with Whitehall last week. And probably would have needed a flawless ... Season ends for EHS girls soccer team Now that its season is over, the Emmaus girls soccer team can look back on a season that saw a lot of ups and downs, not... Emmaus-Stroudsburg on collision course Emmaus made it to the finals of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference field hockey playoffs before suffering a tough 1-0 l... EHS teams compete for EPC titles Three Emmaus varsity teams played in Eastern Pennsylvania Conference championship games Thursday. The Hornet boys soccer... « Previous 69 70 71 » Next Emmaus High School announces first quarter honor rollBethlehem man charged with assault in Emmaus found dead19TH ANNUAL ABEs SALUTE LEHIGH VALLEY THEATER: The year 2024 a moving year for area troupesVolunteer pilot transports animals to new shelters, homesAvian flu found in Valley snow geese
Scheitrum Classic set for this weekend The second annual Scheitrum Classic will be played this weekend at Emmaus High School. The girls basketball tournament o... Dalton leads girls to silver medal The Emmaus' girls cross country team already has the winner of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference's Most Valuable Playe... Hornets hang around before falling to Zephs Emmaus needed to play nearly a perfect game to stay with Whitehall last week. And probably would have needed a flawless ... Season ends for EHS girls soccer team Now that its season is over, the Emmaus girls soccer team can look back on a season that saw a lot of ups and downs, not... Emmaus-Stroudsburg on collision course Emmaus made it to the finals of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference field hockey playoffs before suffering a tough 1-0 l... EHS teams compete for EPC titles Three Emmaus varsity teams played in Eastern Pennsylvania Conference championship games Thursday. The Hornet boys soccer... « Previous 69 70 71 » Next Emmaus High School announces first quarter honor rollBethlehem man charged with assault in Emmaus found dead19TH ANNUAL ABEs SALUTE LEHIGH VALLEY THEATER: The year 2024 a moving year for area troupesVolunteer pilot transports animals to new shelters, homesAvian flu found in Valley snow geese
Dalton leads girls to silver medal The Emmaus' girls cross country team already has the winner of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference's Most Valuable Playe... Hornets hang around before falling to Zephs Emmaus needed to play nearly a perfect game to stay with Whitehall last week. And probably would have needed a flawless ... Season ends for EHS girls soccer team Now that its season is over, the Emmaus girls soccer team can look back on a season that saw a lot of ups and downs, not... Emmaus-Stroudsburg on collision course Emmaus made it to the finals of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference field hockey playoffs before suffering a tough 1-0 l... EHS teams compete for EPC titles Three Emmaus varsity teams played in Eastern Pennsylvania Conference championship games Thursday. The Hornet boys soccer... « Previous 69 70 71 » Next Emmaus High School announces first quarter honor rollBethlehem man charged with assault in Emmaus found dead19TH ANNUAL ABEs SALUTE LEHIGH VALLEY THEATER: The year 2024 a moving year for area troupesVolunteer pilot transports animals to new shelters, homesAvian flu found in Valley snow geese
Hornets hang around before falling to Zephs Emmaus needed to play nearly a perfect game to stay with Whitehall last week. And probably would have needed a flawless ... Season ends for EHS girls soccer team Now that its season is over, the Emmaus girls soccer team can look back on a season that saw a lot of ups and downs, not... Emmaus-Stroudsburg on collision course Emmaus made it to the finals of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference field hockey playoffs before suffering a tough 1-0 l... EHS teams compete for EPC titles Three Emmaus varsity teams played in Eastern Pennsylvania Conference championship games Thursday. The Hornet boys soccer... « Previous 69 70 71 » Next
Season ends for EHS girls soccer team Now that its season is over, the Emmaus girls soccer team can look back on a season that saw a lot of ups and downs, not... Emmaus-Stroudsburg on collision course Emmaus made it to the finals of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference field hockey playoffs before suffering a tough 1-0 l... EHS teams compete for EPC titles Three Emmaus varsity teams played in Eastern Pennsylvania Conference championship games Thursday. The Hornet boys soccer...
Emmaus-Stroudsburg on collision course Emmaus made it to the finals of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference field hockey playoffs before suffering a tough 1-0 l... EHS teams compete for EPC titles Three Emmaus varsity teams played in Eastern Pennsylvania Conference championship games Thursday. The Hornet boys soccer...
EHS teams compete for EPC titles Three Emmaus varsity teams played in Eastern Pennsylvania Conference championship games Thursday. The Hornet boys soccer...