ALBURTIS BOROUGH COUNCIL The Sept 11. Alburtis Borough Council meeting included a proposed handicap parking space at Hosfeld Insurance, 19 E. Mai...
LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS In order to better inform citizens of Lehigh County on current issues, the League of Women Voters of Lehigh County focus...
EMMAUS BOROUGH COUNCIL Emmaus residents will now have a second payment option for refuse bills come 2020. At the Sept. 16 Emmaus Borough Counci...
Bishop the Rev. Dr. Samuel R. Zeiser visits Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Eastern Salisbury Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Eastern Salisbury celebrated its 260th anniversary recently. In order to celebr...
MACUNGIE BOROUGH COUNCIL The Macungie Borough Counil met Sept. 16 for its regular meeting, where it was mentioned Macungie police received positi...
COMMUNITY CALENDAR Sept. 18 The East Penn Chamber presents a municipal update luncheon 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Gather Meetings & Event Cent...