UPPER MILFORD TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS The soil testing has been completed for septic areas for the existing home, wine tasting, restaurant and banquet hall at...
EMMAUS BOROUGH COUNCIL It was first announced at the Emmaus Borough Council meeting Oct. 7. The Emmaus Creative Arts & Innovation Center will b...
MACUNGIE BOROUGH COUNCIL Macungie Institute’s black bear is crumbling. Public works recommended the bear be removed due to safety concerns. Child...
UPPER MILFORD TOWNSHIP Firefighters from the Vera Cruz and Zionsville fire stations of the Upper Milford Fire Department held their annual comm...
NEW TRIPOLI BANK The “golden years” aren’t always golden for some senior citizens who become victims of elder abuse. Government officials...
LOWER MACUNGIE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jaindl’s request for traffic impact fee adjustment approved At the Oct. 3 Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting, David Jaindl appeared to request relief from traff...
ST LUKE’S UNIVERSITY HEALTH NETWORK Salisbury Township School District, in conjunction with St. Luke’s University Health Network presented a seminar Sept. 2...
LEHIGH VALLEY HEALTH NETWORK The lobby, which measures about 1,200 square feet, was made possible in part by a gift from Lutron Electronics, Inc., of...
LOWER MILFORD TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS Lower Milford supervisors focused on two upcoming ordinances at the Sept. 19 meeting. Township solicitor Mark Cappuccio ...