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Published Wed, 06/17/2020 - 03:23

PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE Estate of CYNTHIA CHAYKA, a/k/a CYNTHIA A.CHAYKA, Deceased, late of the Township of Borough of Macungie, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payments without delay to: Annelise Chayka, Executor c/o her attorney: JOHN M. ASHCRAFT, III, ESQUIRE Address: 20 North 5th Street, Suite #1 Emmaus, PA 18049 June 3, 10, 17

Published Wed, 06/17/2020 - 03:23

PUBLIC NOTICE Newspaper Notice of Submission of a Remedial Investigation Report/Cleanup Plan (Section 304(n)(2)(i)) Notice is hereby given that 300 Furnace Street LLC has submitted a Remedial Investigation Report / Cleanup Plan to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Northeast Regional Office, to demonstrate attainment of a combination of Statewide Health Standard and Site-Specific Standard for a site located at 300 Furnace Street, Borough of Emmaus, Lehigh County, PA. 300 Furnace Street LLC has indicated that the remediation measures taken have attained compliance with the Statewide Health and Site-Specific cleanup standards established under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act. This notice is made under the provision of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act, the Act of May 19, 1995, P.L. #4, No. 2. June 10

Published Wed, 06/17/2020 - 03:23

PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS NAME REGISTRATION An application for registration of the fictitious name Mow Muscles, 1814 Campbell St., Bethlehem, PA 18017 has been filed in the Department of State at Harrisburg, PA, File Date 02/24/2020 pursuant to the Fictitious Names Act, Act 1982-295. The name and address of the person who is a party to the registration is Brent M. Stoy, 1814 Campbell St., Bethlehem, PA 18017. June 10

Published Wed, 06/17/2020 - 03:23

ZONING HEARING BOARD AGENDA Notice is hereby provided that, pursuant to Act 15 of 2020 [Senate Bill 841], effective April 20, 2020, Borough of Emmaus Zoning Hearing Board will meet on Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 6:00 PM via Zoom to hear the following appeals: APPEAL 10564 - GILHOL PROPERTIES LLC, 5600 PRINCETON ROAD, EMMAUS, PA 18049 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 18-22 MAIN STREET. Applicant is proposing to operate a motor vehicle detail business from the above noted property. Applicant is requesting a Special Exception Use to Z.O. Table of Permitted Uses, Auto Service Station and the requirements of Z.O. Section 402.1.G along with a Special Exception Use to Z.O. Section 806.7.B to change from one Non-conforming use, dwelling unit to another non-conforming use dwelling unit and office. Site is located in a B-H Zoning District Inasmuch as the Borough offices remain closed to the public due to the Governor's Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, dated March 6, 2020, and subsequent 'Stay at Home' Order, dated March 23, 2020, as amended, participation in the meeting by the Council, Borough Staff, appointed officials and volunteers, and members of the public will be by electronic means. Directions for access by members of the public area as follows: Telecommunications Device: Zoom In order to participate in this Zoom meeting, you must either register online or simply enter the Zoom Link with the meeting ID https://us02web. zoom.us/j/86045094665. Meeting ID: 860 4509 4665. The link can also be found on the Borough of Emmaus website - www.borough.emmaus.pa.us or via the Borough of Emmaus Facebook Page, or on the front door of Borough Hall. 1. You do not have to pay to be able to join the meeting. It is a free application for attendees. 2. When you join the meeting, you will observe the Zoning Hear- ing Board, staff, and other officials on your computer screen. 3. The Zoning Hearing Board will follow the agenda, and there will be an opportunity for the public to participate as indicated on the agenda (i.e., during 'Public Comment' at the beginning of the meeting and / or at the end of the meeting.) 4. Participants may also participate through the telephone link from Zoom. There are various telephone numbers that partici pants may utilize. Each number can be found on the agenda on the Borough website. One possible telephone number that may be utilized is 1-312-626-6799. When prompted, partici pants will be required to enter the meeting ID. Methods for Public Participation: 1. Oral participation in accordance with the agenda by using the audio feature on your computer or by telephone, all as set forth in the registration email and instructions. 2. Email sent before or during the meeting to jfarns@borough. emmaus.pa.us; provided that the email is received in a timely manner in accordance with the agenda. Comment will be limit ed as per the agenda. 3. Questions or comments received in advance of the meeting, by US Mail addressed to: Borough of Emmaus 28 S. 4th Street Emmaus, PA 18049 The meeting agenda and this Public Notice for Borough Council Meetings are available for review on the Borough website at www.borough. emmaus.pa.us. Questions concerning this Notice may be addressed to James Farnsworth, Zoning Officer by email at jfarns@borough.emmaus.pa.us or via telephone number 610-965-9292. James L Farnsworth- Zoning Officer June 10, 17