South Sixth Street paving postponed
Emmaus Borough Council approved the use of Triangle Park 4-7 p.m. May 13 for the Emmaus Run Inn Trail Running Festival. The triangle side of Main Street will be closed for safety purposes. The Paranormal Food Truck will be available for food purchases. Also approved contingent upon insurance is the Emmaus Rotary Club event 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. May 31 at Emmaus Community Park. Money raised from this event helps the Emmaus Rotary Club’s program to provide food for children in need in the East Penn region.
In new business, Ordinance 1277 was unanimously approved which “increases the indebtedness of Emmaus, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, by the issue of a general obligation note in the amount of $2,048,745 for sundry purposes: Fixing the form, number, date, interest, and maturity thereof; making a covenant for the payment of the debt service on the note; providing for the filing of the required document; providing for the appointment of a sinking fund depository for the note; and authorizing execution, sale, and delivery thereof.”
Council approved postponing the paving of South Sixth Street until 2026 to give residents time to secure funding for necessary improvements. The current ordinance states the residents must be given 30 days notice; however, in April, council will propose an amendment to give residents more time to secure funds to provide for necessary improvements on their properties.
Also approved was an intermunicipal agreement with Salisbury Township for water and sewer for 407 and 412 Mountain Road. There are houses already connected to the Emmaus system and there are no gravity flow concerns. While still subject to Salisbury Township’s approval, Emmaus Borough Council agreed to provide services and collect revenue from these two addresses.
Additionally, council approved the purchase of a new leaf truck for 2026. The total cost of the truck is $314,406.80 with a $200,000 grant secured. The borough will pay the difference and hopes to sell the current truck to help with the cost.
Council approved Resolution 2025-8 which involves plan revision for new land development at 413, 435 and 437 S. Fifth St. This is a lot line adjustment that will reduce the size of one parcel and increase the two other parcels on either side. The properties are owned by retired Mayor Winfield Iobst and his children.
Regarding budget and finance, the police pension cost of living adjustment was denied. It was noted it did not make sense to do a study at this time. Council also approved the purchase of software Autosist for $4,770 and Workforce GIS for $13,802 for the public works department. The current CityWorks program will be canceled in May. The new software is reportedly less expensive and more user-friendly.
Finally, Borough Manager Shane Pepe attended an event last week at JuxtaHub located on South 10th Street. Phase 1 is completed and artists have opened their businesses and studios. Phase 2 involves adding dance studios and a Black Box theater. Phase 3 will promote a commercial kitchen. The community is encouraged to visit. Pepe also said he participated in recent labor workshops providing valuable information and tools for union negotiations. He appreciated becoming more educated in this aspect of human resources.
An executive session was held regarding a personnel issue.