Public hearing held in Alburtis to amend zoning map
Alburtis Borough Council met for its regular meeting March 12, following a closed executive session 6:30 p.m. regarding personnel matters that was strictly informational. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance before opening the floor to public comments. However, there were no comments made, despite quite a packed room.
The first big item on the agenda was a public hearing on Ordinance No. 594, which proposed amending the borough’s official zoning map. The ordinance sought to rezone properties at 380 Church St., 381 Church St. and 386 Scenic View Drive from the L-1 Light Industrial-Office Research zoning district to the R-2 Medium-Density Residential zoning district.
Additionally, the amendment introduced new restrictions on properties located within or near the 100-year floodplain, limiting certain residential uses, increasing the minimum lot area for single-family dwellings to 6,500 square feet and capping residential density at two units per acre. Council members heard public input on the proposed changes before proceeding with the discussion.
There were concerns from members of the public and the council about floodwater in the area who believed nothing should be built in that area at all. Representatives from Jaindl Corporation assured council and the public they will continue to pursue the appropriate stormwater management standards and will follow all methods that should maintain the area forever.
After the discussion was over, council approved the zoning ordinance change in a 4-3 vote.
Following the public hearing, council reviewed and approved the meeting minutes from Feb. 26 as well as the bills for payment.
Mayor Kathleen Palmer said the East Penn School Board has approved a shelter area near the local elementary school.
The police report provided an overview of law enforcement activity in recent weeks. The treasurer’s report offered a financial update and the engineer’s report covered ongoing and upcoming infrastructure projects.
The Macungie Ambulance Corps also submitted a report detailing emergency response activities in the region. There were eight calls to Alburtis throughout the month of February.
Under new business, council considered several requests, including approval to conduct a smoke test in the sewer system to detect leaks and other potential issues. This is being done due to the recent updates to the sewer system.
Council also approved advertising the treasurer position and officially bonding employee Tiffany Smith. Additionally, authorization was granted to advertise for a new police officer position.
Discussions continued with suggestions for next year’s America 250 celebration, as the borough explored ways to participate in the nationwide commemoration of the country’s 250th anniversary.
Councilman Hector Moss proposed several ideas that Borough Manager Stephen Nemeth will submit. The ideas included a parade, a community event, a music show and more.
Alburtis Park is also celebrating its 100th anniversary next year, so a large, combined event was suggested.
To close the meeting, council acknowledged the receipt of franchise fees from RCN, totaling $9,066.82, as well as a donation from the William B. Butz Memorial Fund, $2,500, which will go to a local church.
With no further business, the council adjourned the meeting, concluding a session focused on zoning adjustments, financial oversight and community planning.