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Playing bingo to support fourth grade graduation

PRESS PHOTOS BY KATHY HASSICKJackie Praedin purchases tickets for the Salisbury Elementary School purse bingo from PTO President Jen Freas and PTO treasurer Ali Weaver March 9.
Pam Lichtenwalner, Emma Bogert, Krissy Bogert, Kim Lichtenwalner and Hope Lichtenwalner gather together at Salisbury Middle School hoping to be big winners during the Salisbury Elementary School purse bingo.
Students Winnie Wellbank, Lincoln Moll, Olivia Williams and Analiese Moran cover the snack table during the Salisbury Elementary School purse bingo to raise funds for the fourth grade graduation party held at the end of the school year.
Glenn Strause serves a pulled pork sandwich to Karen Angeny during the Salisbury Elementary School purse bingo held at Salisbury Middle School March 9.
The Salisbury Middle School cafeteria is packed with eager bingo players during the Salisbury Elementary School purse bingo.
After only six numbers are called, Olivia Amorim is the first winner of the day during the Salisbury Elementary School purse bingo. She will soon be sporting a smart Kate Spade purse.PRESS PHOTOS BY KATHY HASSICK
Salisbury Elementary School students G.G. Ciersky and Quin Messick have the important job of showing the crowd of bingo players the purse they will be playing to win. Additional photos appear on Page A2.