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Supervisors to advertise bids for municipal building work

At the Feb. 13 East Allen Township Board of Supervisors meeting, the supervisors approved advertising for bids for repairs to the public works maintenance building.

According to township Manager Brent Green, the building was built in 1959. It was noted the building’s roof leaks in several places, the windows are the original windows, and the doors are rotting, among other building issues.

In other business, ordinance 2025-01 was adopted to amend Chapter 220 regarding the volunteer service tax credit. The tax credit is for East Allen Township volunteer firefighters who meet the requirements of the credit. The firefighter needs to be on the force a minimum of six months, attend 10% of fire department calls, attend 10% of the training drills and be an East Allen Township resident.

The supervisors also adopted resolution 2025-9, detailing the requirements for the volunteer tax credit program. The program will allow for a 100% tax credit for volunteer firefighters who meet the requirements. The state recently increased the tax credit for first responders from 20% to 100%.

The board also approved the purchase of items for the volunteer fire department recruitment and retention program.

The supervisors adopted ordinance 2025-02 to adopt stormwater management regulations. It was pointed out by Green that the township does not expect to have the high stormwater management costs other municipalities anticipate.

Ordinance 2025-03 was approved to dedicate a new road — Bernie Way. Bernie Way needed to be ordained because it is a new road located by the old Seemsville Road and the new Seemsville Road.

Ordinance 2025-04 was adopted to amend Chapter 231 regarding vehicles and traffic and establishing speed limits on local roads. Some roads, after evaluation, may see a reduction from 35 mph to 25 mph. Contact the township office to review the list of roads affected.

Supervisors considered a request for a no-parking restriction at a senior living community to prohibit tractor trailers from parking in front of the property on Beth-Bath Pike.

It was pointed out the road in question is a state road, and the township cannot put up no-parking signs. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation would have to grant permission for any signage to be placed on Beth-Bath Pike.

A discussion ensued that concluded with the supervisors agreeing to have a traffic study completed about the situation, with the cost not to exceed $2,000. If the recommendation is to install signage, the township can approach PennDOT with a recommendation. The township opted to pay for the study because it was felt a PennDOT study would not be done timely enough to address the immediate concerns.

The board of supervisors considered enacting parking and standing restrictions on certain township roads. It was decided an ordinance would need to be prepared to address issues on local roads, regarding parking and walking restrictions.

The supervisors approved resolution 2025-08 to establish the township tax collector salary. The annual salary was increased from $10,000 to $15,000. The tax collector salary has not been raised in 10 years. An analysis of neighboring tax collector salaries was completed, and the recommendation for the raise was approved.

All resolutions and ordinances are available for review by contacting the township office.