Published March 19. 2025 01:00PM
PRESS PHOTOS BY DONNA GEWERTZThe making of delicious meals for a March 7 fish fry is the work of St. Mary’s Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church’s volunteer kitchen staff, including, from left, Faye Keller, Kim Smith and Karen Stanz. The dinner was held in the church’s parish hall, located at Second and Union streets in Catasauqua. The menu featured fried, breaded haddock or cabbage and noodles as the main course. Many Christians seek meatless alternatives for meals Fridays during Lent, which began with Ash Wednesday, March 5.
Kathy and Charlotte Hess, of Catasauqua, enjoy some mother-daughter time during St. Mary’s Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church’s Lenten fish fry March 7.
Kathy Shiffert, of Allentown; the Rev. Joseph Kweder of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church, of Whitehall; Mary Ann Yenser, of North Catasauqua; and Joanne Deiter, of North Catasauqua, peruse the menu to make their dinner choices.
Volunteer Kelly Theophile happily washes up after dinner.
William McCullough III, of North Catasauqua, is ready to dig in and eat his fried haddock.
Cheryl Sommer, of Whitehall Township, gets her food to go to enjoy at home.
Carolyn Evans happily accepts a takeout order from Dillon Urland and Morgan Biggs, of Catasauqua.