East Allen approves Ridgeline warehouse project
At the Feb. 27 East Allen Township Board of Supervisors meeting, the supervisors held a continuation of conditional use hearing CU-24003 that plans the development of a warehouse on the Ridgeline property. Based on the testimony and exhibits offered at the Feb. 13 board meeting, the supervisors voted unanimously to approve the warehouse project.
The supervisors approved the awarding of a bid for the Bicentennial Park habitat restoration project. The successful bid was for $445,847.10. Township Manager Brent Green noted $435,000 of the project is paid for through grant funding.
The large Bicentennial Park project will address stormwater issues, wetlands development, a walking path and bridge, an amphitheater for learning and more. It is considered an upgrade and a quality of life improvement for East Allen Township.
The supervisors received a correspondence reporting a permit notification was applied for regarding the Sunny Slope gas main project. The permit is needed because the project involves running a gas main through an area in a floodplain.
The supervisors received a notice of intent to submit a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit application to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for an individual permit coverage for World Class Distribution Inc., 6835 Silvercrest Road, Nazareth.
The permit request is for a refrigerated warehouse and storage facility designed for regional handling and storage and distribution of perishable food and beverage products.
Copies of the correspondences are located on the meeting agenda on the township website, eatwp.org.
The board of supervisors met March 13 and are next scheduled to meet 7 p.m. March 20 in the township municipal building, 5344 Nor-Bath Blvd. Visit eat.org to review the meeting agenda or to access the virtual meeting option.