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District News: Panoramic, club picture day for 5th grade March 25

Moore Elementary School will have its fifth-grade panoramic and club picture day March 25.


Reminder: Starting March 18, elementary trimester report cards became available on Sapphire.


The secondary end of the third marking period is March 27. Report cards will be available on Sapphire starting April 8.


Moore Elementary will be celebrating Major League Baseball’s opening day March 27. Students and staff can wear their favorite baseball team jersey/shirt.


On March 31, Moore students and staff are invited to wear a fun hat for a Magnificent Minds spirit day.


Northampton Area High School’s spring musical will be “Matilda,” set for 7 p.m. March 28, 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. March 29 and 1 p.m. March 30.

To purchase tickets ahead of time, visit cur8.com/15805/project/129211.


Northampton Area Middle School’s science fair will be 10 a.m.-noon March 29 in the cafeteria. Please enter through the bus loop entrance.


Email school news and events to JMBNews@hotmail.com.