Published March 19. 2025 12:48PM
Family trivia night will be held in the cafeteria at Whitehall High School March 21. Doors open 6 p.m., and games start 7 p.m.
There is a fee for adults and kids. Food and raffles will be available.
Find the link on the Whitehall-Coplay School District app to reserve your table for teams of three to five.
WHS Theater will be presenting “The Little Mermaid,” scheduled for 7 p.m. March 27, 28 and 29 and 2 p.m. March 30.
Visit the high school’s weekly newsletter online at to access a QR code to purchase your tickets. In-person ticket sales will be 9 a.m.-noon March 22.
The theater group is collecting recyclable plastics to help build its set. Items include plastic bottles, caps, jugs, Bubble Wrap and straws. All materials can be dropped off in the box outside of E100 and in the auditorium.
WHS cheer camp is open to kids in kindergarten through grade 6. Participants will learn cheers, chants, stunts and dance.
Choose a one-day camp or attend all three dates — April 12, June 9 and Aug. 17. The time of camp is 9-11 a.m. There is a fee.
Space is limited; visit forms.go/eonmRkTKCsKF51P88 to register.
The 2025 prom theme is “Tangled in Our Memories.” The prom will be held May 3. Senior ticket sales are open this week via myschoolbucks; in-person cash sales and sales for juniors will begin next week.
Seniors who have not paid their class dues must do so as soon as possible.
For more information, see Mrs. Cinicola or Ms. Dolan or stop by the main office.
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