Board names new CHS assistant principal
During the March 11 Catasauqua Area School District Board of Education meeting, Joseph Henrich was approved to serve as the new Catasauqua High School assistant principal, effective July 1.
Henrich was approved to join the district in March 2024 as the new head football coach and freshman focus teacher and behavioral health support specialist. Current CHS Assistant Principal Christopher Gerhard was approved at the Feb. 11 board meeting to retire at the end of the 2024-25 school year after 22 years in the district.
According to Assistant to the Superintendent Eric Dauberman, Henrich’s previous experience as a counselor and administrator will assist in his new role. Dauberman described Henrich as “top notch” and said he is already making an impact on the CHS school environment. CHS Principal David Todd agreed, saying Henrich is making connections with students and already has a reputation for his high standards, work ethic and the care he has for the students.
“I’m proud to have him as a partner at the high school,” Todd said.
Henrich thanked the board and administration for their support and said he is “happy to get a feel for the culture of the school.”
“Chris (Gerhard) will be missed at the high school, but we look forward to working with Joe,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Christina Lutz-Doemling said.
Hillary Hahn, Catasauqua Middle School enrichment teacher with the gifted education department, recognized four students for their work in the 2025 Pennsylvania Invention Convention. Adriana Van Note, Avery Geiger, Layla Povenski and Zoey Kalman qualified to present their invention at the state competition in Hershey in February.
They won their regional competition with their Just Dust invention. According to Hahn, the students identified a problem — Legos and other small toys getting caught in vacuums — and devised a solution — a special filter to only allow in dust and smaller particles. They presented their invention and explained the process to the state contest judges.
Avery and Layla attended the meeting and were presented with certificates.
Sheckler Elementary School Principal Dr. Robert Kucharczuk introduced the Sheckler Students of the Month. The honored students were Darcy Bonifacio, Mary Gotzon, Natalie Valerio De Jesus, Evelyn Massola and Emily Miltenberger.
Business Manager Lindsey Wallace provided the auditor’s report of the 2023-24 general fund budget, as prepared by Campbell, Rappold and Yurasits LLP. She reported they added $114,874 to the general fund balance. Board President Dale Hein noted they added more than $1 million last year, but with this year’s tighter budget, the addition was less.
Additionally, the board approved a resolution authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds for the CHS roof project. Brad Remig, of PFM Financial Advisors, gave a financing update. The next steps include a bond financing interview before getting the bond rating and credit score. The expectation is to lock in the interest rate in April and get the money by May.
“We are on track for the original timeline,” Wallace said.
She added district projects for the summer include the CHS roof, weight room and bleachers and a number of smaller projects.
Director of Curriculum and Assessment Melissa Inselmann reported district staff have been taking trainings in a number of topics, such as new standards for some subjects, standardized testing, AI, multilingual students and autistic students.
Board Vice President Jillian Emert said this was the first year for the Lehigh Career and Technical Institute fifth-grade tours. She said the tours were a success, with LCTI reporting more than 700 applications as a result.
The board authorized the Sheckler entryway door and install project to go out to bid. The expected bid opening is set for April 7 and is expected to be finished over the summer, using grant funding.
Webster’s Fitness Products was awarded the CHS weight room bid for equipment and installation for $61,341 and flooring installation for $24,289. The total amount is $85,630.
It was noted some of the old equipment will be refurbished and used to replace older equipment at CMS where appropriate, and the new flooring was recommended due to the current floor compacting from use and to protect the subfloor.
The board accepted the resignations of assisted baseball coach Luke Dauberman, assistant boys basketball coach Jason Schneck and Sheckler cafeteria monitor June Linton.
Amber Weaver was approved as a noncertified instructional aide at Sheckler. Additionally, Cathy Moore was approved to move from a substitute teacher to a daily building substitute at CMS.
Student teacher Nicole Bellesfield, of Moravian University, was approved to work with music teacher Robert Arnold from March 10 to April 25.
The board approved Daniel Noel, Larry Ford and Noah Vogeler as volunteer assistant football coaches; Jennifer Conway and Joseph Conway as volunteer assistant baseball coaches; and Sarah D’Alessio as an assistant softball coach at $3,100. A number of coaching and band-related stipends for the 2025-26 school year were also approved.
An additional spring assistant track coach at $3,201 and indoor percussion position at $2,425 were approved. The board also revised the description for the indoor guard coach.
Board members voted to approve the CASD comprehensive plan for 2025-28. The state-mandated document includes the induction plan, professional equity plan and gifted plan. Additionally, the special education services agreement with Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21 was approved for the 2025-26 year.
The board approved the second readings of policy 236 regarding threat assessment and policy 805 regarding the use of force by school security personnel. Both policies were detailed at the Feb. 11 meeting.
Board members approved Key Bank’s positive pay program and ACH direct services program to provide additional protection against fraudulent banking activity and allow for more efficient electronic processing.
Other board approvals include the 2025-26 district calendar, two students to attend the National STEM Festival March 20-23 and five teachers to attend a football coaches clinic in Delaware. Arnold was also given clearance to plan and fundraise for a trip to Williamsburg, Va., for the band and chorus.
A special board meeting was set to be held March 19 to discuss the district budget. The next regular meetings will be 7 p.m. April 8 and May 6. Meetings are held in the district administration board room, 201 N. 14th St.