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My youngest son has ADHD. The other day, I was at work when I received a text from my older son. He had gotten up and discovered the front door was wide open. We were both concerned. I looked on my Ring app, and found the youngest had left the door open when he went out. My best guess is he saw his bus and went right to it. The morning bus is a van and is not in range of the camera most days.

We live on a fairly active street, with a bus stop very close. Having the door wide open for any amount of time is a safety issue. So I came up with a simple solution. I purchased an automatic door closer. I had been meaning to replace the deadbolt lock anyway, so I got one with a keypad entry so no one can get locked out.

My oldest does not love this plan, but the chance my youngest will forget to close the door is enough to make a change.

Yes, I told the youngest he left the door unlocked. He was not very concerned. I did remind him that leaving the door wide open isn’t safe, and his brother was frightened.

Adhd is a tricky thing. Scolding or punishing is generally not effective. In school, he has accommodations to manage his adhd. At home, accommodations sometimes mean adapting the environment.

So I alter the door, not the child.

With some things, it’s sensitization. He goes to hockey games. I can now take him in the grocery store with minimal issues. This took years of trial and error.

The door is a safety issue, so the remedy is different.

Adapt and overcome. It works for us.
