Published March 18. 2025 04:41PM
The Bethlehem Area School District Facilities Committee reviewed bids for the Fountain Hill ES project March 3, with the award going to Skepton Construction, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $34.489 million, subject to proper execution of contract documents.
The electrical contract for the project was awarded to Wind Gap Electrical, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $4.561 million; plumbing was awarded to JBM Mechanical, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $2.339 million; HVAC was awarded to Tri-County Mechanical, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $5.975 million, Environmental Abatement Contract to Sargent Enterprises, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $177,743, and the Testing-Adjusting-Balancing Services to Butler Balancing Company, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $54,000.
The board was scheduled to vote on all project bid awardees at the monthly regular meeting March 17.
The board and Superintendent Jack Silva have also introduced districtwide security software to maintain continuity throughout all systems and buildings.
The Curriculum Committee provided another example of the district’s commitment to continuity course descriptions same grade appropriate curriculum. A first-grader in Spring Garden ES will be learning from the same texts as all the other Bethlehem Area elementary schools.