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Council approves camera installation

At the Feb. 19 Hanover Township, Lehigh County, meeting, council approved the Flock camera installation by a final unanimous vote.

Council initially agreed to a 90-day trial period of the cameras to ascertain their usefulness in improving public safety in the township. The 90 days concluded in February, and council voted to keep the cameras.

Council authorized a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system replacement in the municipal building, paid from the township capital funds account. The replacement is not to exceed $400,000.

Council discussed the authorization for the township manager to pay township utility bills by credit card in advance, to not pay a surcharge with a maximum of $10,000.

Bill 2025-01 amends Chapter 15, Section 801 of the Statutory Code of Hanover Township to add Hoover Avenue South and Hoover Avenue North to the street sweeping schedule. This bill corrects the street sweeping list that inadvertently did not include the two streets.

Council also introduced an ordinance amending Article 1, Part 2 of the Statutory Code to establish authority of the township manager to authorize contracts and purchases in the amounts to be determined and to require authorization in excess of an amount to be determined by council, subject to the existing provisions of the code and township charter. The ordinance was tabled by council for additional discussion at a further meeting.

Resolution 2025-28 was approved to adopt a revision for the Airport Center sewage planning redirection of sewage flow from Catasauqua to Allentown.

Liesel Gross, from Lehigh County Authority, provided a presentation about the status of the Klines Island sewer system. Council also authorized the township manager to proceed with a discussion with LCA to possibly become a signatory with the city of Allentown regarding joint sewer system matters.

Council approved resolution 2025-29 that appointed Megan Claypool to the township’s planning commission.
