Published March 13. 2025 09:14AM
To the Editor:
I recently read the winter/spring edition of Explore South Whitehall.
I was truly impressed with the list of accomplishments presented therein.
Hats off to the employees, department heads, management team, boards and the board of commissioners for providing the leadership and climate in which this team was motivated to deliver such stunning results for our township.
I have had a couple of interactions with township departments over the last six months, and found them responsive, transparent and very helpful in resolving my questions.
I have also had the opportunity to attend a board of commissioners meeting and found the preparation, professionalism and focus to be excellent.
It was a pleasure to see our township government function at such a high level of competence!
I urge my fellow residents to attend board meetings and open sessions where your input is solicited and heard.
This makes for a productive, informed and participative community. Become involved!
I am especially grateful to the team for completing and adopting the Comprehensive Plan which will guide the township into the future, and the adoption of a new South Whitehall Township Environmental Advisory Council.
Both will pay great dividends to all.
John A. Chaya
South Whitehall