Published March 13. 2025 08:54AM
Special to The Press
The multipurpose room at Union Lutheran Church, Neffs, was the scene for this year’s Girl Scout World Thinking Day on Feb. 22.
This year’s theme was “Our Story: Reflecting the Symbolism and Values of Our Movement.”
The Scouts, with the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania, chose a theme including different countries from throughout the world.
Those countries included: Ireland, Finland, India, Italy, Korea, Brazil’s Carnival, Greece and Japan.
Each Troop in the Eastern Pennsylvania organization provided a poster display and narrators describing the unique feature of each country.
As always, the event opened with Posting of the Colors, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Girl Scout Oath.
Colleen Klepeis was the coordinator for the program.
Members of the Girl Scout Color Guard, Maggie, Sydney, Alexa, Juli and Olympia prepare to post the colors during Girl Scout World Thinking Day.
PRESS PHOTOS BY LOU WHEELANDGirl Scouts Emma, Jocelyn and Danich from Troop 6514, of Kernsville Elementary School, presented Ireland as their country of interest during the Girl Scout World Thinking Day.
Cadet Scout Morgan, Troop 6244 from Springhouse Middle School, describes life in Finland during the Girl Scout World Thinking Day at Union Lutheran Church, Neffs, on Feb. 22.
Members of Girl Scout Troop 6603, from Jaindl Elementary School, Vaishu, Aadyha, Diya, Maggie, Anika and Aarya, wore Indian clothing for their presentation at the Girl Scout World Thinking Day.
Girl Scouts Olivia and Lana, Troop 6068 from Jaindl Elementary School, discussed Italy during Girl Scout World Thinking Day.
Girl Scouts Reese and Hudson, Troop 6973 at Ironton Elementary School, told fellow Girl Scouts about Carnival in Brazil at Girl Scout World Thinking Day.
Girl Scout Brigette Troop 6051 from Kratzer Elementary School, describes the various Greek gods at the Girl Scout World Thinking Day.