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EHS tech department offers summer employment opportunities

The East Penn School District will continue to offer employment to students during the summer in the tech department as summer maintenance workers.

Similar to the Maintenance Department Summer Employment Program (which runs June 23 to Aug. 15), the program will run for eight weeks from June 16 to Aug. 8. Applicants must be a current student at Emmaus High School or have graduated from EHS and currently enrolled in higher education. Four positions are available. Applications are available in the EHS guidance office, main office and on the EPSD website. Applications are due April 4.

Senior Scholarships

The 2025 EHS Local Scholarship Program for seniors is now open. Application instructions are available in the “Class of 2025” Schoology page for seniors and include scholarships for a variety of students based on location, intended major, athletic participation and more. In order to apply, students must use their school district email account to email a PDF of their scholarship application — available on the Schoology page — to ehsscholarships@eastpennsd.org. All applications are due 2:30 p.m. March 21 with no exceptions. Any questions should be emailed to ehsscholarships@eastpennsd.org.

International Fair

EHS will once again hold its International Fair in the EHS Cafeteria later this month. On March 29 (with a snow date of March 30) 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., local community members will be welcome to visit the fair, which includes different booths representing countries and cultures around the world.

Students from across the East Penn School District can get involved by hosting a display, teaching a lesson, creating a collage, making a cultural food or doing a cultural demonstration or performance.

Admission to the fair is free to all and proceeds from all sales at the event go to a scholarship fund to support students pursuing a world language in college.

Class of 2028 Coffee Fundraiser

The Class of 2028 is holding a fundraiser through givingbean.com, an organization dedicated to helping groups raise funds through the sale of its products.

By accessing the link on students’ “Class of” Schoology page, customers can purchase a wide variety of coffees, teas, cookies and more to support the cause.

Twenty-five percent of all proceeds will go directly to fundraising for the Class of 2028.

Orders of $75 or more will receive a 10% discount.