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North Catasauqua: Take note of trash reminders to keep N. Catty Borough clean

The borough office has received a number of complaints recently such as trash and recycling cans left out at the curb, trash not put in cans with lids or not even in bags, trash blowing all over the neighborhood and compost piles with no coverings.

The borough office would like residents to visit the borough website at northcatasauqua.org for helpful information on how to limit crows attacking borough residents’ garbage and solving the trash issues. These have been ongoing issues in the borough.


There is a basket raffle to support the Catasauqua Middle School eighth-grade formal set for 4-8 p.m. March 14 and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. March 15 at Salem United Church of Christ, 615 Third St., Catasauqua.

There is a cost, and winners do not have to be present to win. Food and baked goods will be available for purchase.


St. John Fisher Catholic Church, 1239 Third St., will hold a Lenten fish dinner 4-6:30 p.m. March 14 at the church. A platter includes a 5-ounce breaded haddock fillet, choice of parsley potatoes or halushki, corn, coleslaw, applesauce, roll with butter, beverage and dessert.

There is a cost for adults and children ages 5-10 years old. Tickets may be purchased at the door the day of the dinner for a slightly higher price.

For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Annette Englert at 610-533-2109 or aenglert79@gmail.com.

The church is looking for volunteers for the fish dinner to prepare the food, set up tables and more starting 6 p.m. March 13. Day-of help is needed beginning 2 p.m. March 14.

For more information or to volunteer, call the church office at 610-264-1972.

If anyone would like to bake desserts for the annual fish dinner, they may be dropped off in the church hall 6-8 p.m. March 13 or after 2 p.m. March 14.


The next North Catasauqua Borough Council meeting will take place 7 p.m. March 17 in the basement-level meeting room at borough hall. The meeting will be hybrid, with both in-person and virtual options.

Visit northcatasauqua.org for the access code to view the meeting virtually.


Presbyterian Church of Catasauqua, 210 Pine St., is holding a free community lunch, to be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. March 17. The free community lunch is given out to folks in the community with food insecurity or those who could use a helping hand.

The church is also accepting donations for the Roughie Pantry. Items needed include shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, body wash, tampons, sanitary napkins, etc.

Collection bins are located at the church entrances.

For more information or to make a donation, call Gail Burfeind at 717-379-0926.


The 2025 garbage assessment/trash invoices have been sent out. The due date is March 31.

Payments may be made online by visiting diversifiedbillpay.com/v1/northcatasauqua or in person at the borough office during regular hours.

The borough office would like residents to know the 2025 borough trash and recycling calendar with J.P. Mascaro and Sons can be found on the borough website at northcatasauqua.org.


The borough office reminds residents the 2025 real estate tax bills sent earlier this month were mailed with an error. The borough tax bills were incorrectly printed with last year’s millage rate on them.

A revised bill has been sent.

Disregard the bill dated Feb. 1, and pay the amount listed on the revised bill. The tax rate for 2025 is 17.0 mills vs. 16.5 mills in 2024.

If you have paid already, you will be responsible to pay the difference. Payments can be sent to the address on the bill, dropped off in the secure drop box at borough hall or brought to the borough office, 1066 Fourth St.

Also, the discount period for the bills has been extended to May 4.

Note the borough office is unable to provide a receipt. Contact Donna Shifko, borough tax collector, at 610-266-1165 or the borough office at 610-264-1504 with any questions.


Shop for books at the Public Library of Catasauqua’s used book sale. The sale will be open 3-7 p.m. April 11 and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. April 12 in the upstairs community room., 302 Bridge St., Catasauqua.

Donations of gently used books can be dropped off at the library anytime during regular business hours. Items that will not be accepted include encyclopedias, textbooks, magazines, VHS tapes and soiled or torn books.


St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 122 Union St., Catasauqua, will hold a grab-and-go ziti dinner, set for April 11. Orders will be ready for pickup 2:30-5:30 p.m. at the parish center kitchen.

Choose from either cheese ziti or cheese and veggie ziti with zucchini, spinach and onion. Individual-sized meals will be prepared in ready-to-cook trays. Each meal comes with a side salad. Orders and payment are due no later than April 4.

For cost and other information, email the parish office at kim.stmarys122@gmail.com or call 610-264-0332.


The North Catasauqua Porter Chapman Lodge, 1103 Sixth St., is holding an all-you-can-eat breakfast and Easter egg hunt April 12. Breakfast starts 9 a.m., and the hunt begins noon.

There is a cost, which is reduced if you preregister. The price at the door will be slightly higher.

If you have any questions, call Connor Gavigan at 610-730-3961.


The borough will be having an electronics recycling day 4-6 p.m. April 23 at the public works complex, 1460 Main St. The event is open to North Catasauqua residents only. For everyone’s safety, remain in your car.

A number of items can be recycled free of charge, while there is a fee for some larger items. Additionally, destruction services are offered for a fee. Cash or checks are accepted, so have exact change or a check prepared and made out to Responsible Recycling Services.

For more information, visit responsiblerecyclingservices.com.


The North Catasauqua Recreation Committee has scheduled the following summer concerts and events: Joey and the T-Birds June 18, Relics Cover Band June 25, Jump Start July 16, Castaway July 30, The Clap Aug. 8 and Fun in the Park with food trucks all day Aug. 16.

For more information, call the borough office at 610-264-1504. Concert times will be posted at a later date.


Save the date for the annual North Catasauqua Police Association Community Day scheduled for 5-8 p.m. May 30 at North Catasauqua William J. Albert Memorial Park, 701 Grove St.

There will be a deejay; bounce houses; kids’ games and activities; police, fire and military displays; a basket raffle; craft vendors; and outreach organizations.

For more information, contact the borough office at 610-264-1504.


St. Mary’s offers a grief support gathering for widows. This is a nondenominational gathering that offers conversation and support for those who have lost their spouse.

All are welcome to attend. Light refreshments are provided.

To become a part of the next gathering, email the parish office at kim.stmarys122@gmail.com or call 610-264-0332. All participation is confidential.


Join the Girl Scouts. Make new friends, develop leadership skills, build confidence, enjoy outdoor fun and get a sense of family connection. Visit GSEP.org/join.

For more details, email Katey at KLandry-Johnston@gsep.org.


Catasauqua Area Food Bank, 527 Front St., is accepting donations, especially jelly and jam, shelf-stable milk, granola bars, canned soup, rice or noodle side dishes, canned fruits, cereals, toiletries and canned vegetables. Monetary donations are also accepted.

If you have any questions, call 610-264-8366.


North Catasauqua Hometown Heroes banners are a great way to honor or remember a relative or anyone who served in any branch of the military. A photo of the individual to be put on the banner will be needed, with the name of the individual on the back of the photo.

For more information, including cost, call borough hall at 610-264-1504, ext. 4.


Join Scouting America with a program that promotes youth leadership, community service, environmental conservation, good citizenship and an appreciation of the outdoors. Scouting America Troop 94 welcomes boys and girls ages 12 and above.

Meetings are held 7-8:30 p.m. Mondays at Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church.

For more information, email cattytroop94@yahoo.com.


If you would like something to be included in the North Catasauqua column, submit it to me at least two weeks in advance, especially if a certain date is involved with your submission. I can be reached by email at ncatacentennial@aol.com.