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Moore Township: Help plan 2025 Community Days

The Community Days committee next meets 6:30 p.m. March 13 at the municipal building, 2491 Community Drive.

Visit mooretownship.org for information or to join the committee as it will begin assembling the 2025 Community Days festival.


The township recreation committee next meets 7 p.m. March 20 at the municipal building. The committee works to assist township children and families. Consider supporting the group’s important work or joining the committee.

The township recreation committee is providing an opportunity to purchase a brick for the veterans memorial at the recreation center.

Visit donate.brickmarkers.com/moore to donate or for information on how to order a memorial brick.


Moore Township Board of Supervisors will next meet 6 p.m. April 1 at the municipal building.

Visit mooretownship.org for the agenda.


Moore Township Land and Environmental Protection Board’s next meeting is 7 p.m. April 14 at the municipal building.


The board of supervisors is planning the replacement of the current municipal building or a major renovation of the old building, 2491 Community Drive.

Visit mooretownship.org or call the office to review the plan.


If you want to place information or announcements in this column, email billleiner@aol.com or text/call Bill Leiner Jr. at 610-751-2745.