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District News: Night of fun for Gockley Elementary families set for March 13

Gockley Elementary School will be hosting a night of family fun, planned for 5:30-7:30 p.m. March 13. The purpose is to provide fitness and other games and activities for the family to enjoy. The event will also encourage physical activity outside of physical education class. There will be no formal presentations.

Light refreshments will be provided. There will be a prize for the winner at each station.


The spring sports meet-the-team night will take place 7:30-9 p.m. March 17 in the gymnasium at Whitehall High School. Be sure to come out to cheer on your spring athletes!


Family trivia night will be held in the cafeteria at WHS March 21. Test your knowledge and win prizes! Doors open 6 p.m., and games start 7 p.m.

There is a fee of $5 for adults and $3 for kids. Food and raffles will be available.

Find the link on the WCSD app to reserve your table for teams of three to five. Limited tickets will be available at the door.


WHS Theater will present “The Little Mermaid” 7 p.m. March 27, 28 and 29 and then 2 p.m. March 30.

Visit the high school’s weekly newsletter online at secure.smore.com/n/b4fgut to access a QR code to purchase your tickets. In-person ticket sales will be 9 a.m.-noon March 15 and 22.

The theater group is collecting recyclable plastics to help build its set. Items include plastic bottles, caps, jugs, Bubble Wrap and straws. All materials can be dropped off in the box outside of E100 and in the auditorium.


Senior class dues have been posted to MySchoolBucks. Seniors are responsible for their class dues to cover all the general senior class activities throughout the entire 2024-25 school year. Seniors will not be permitted to attend graduation or purchase prom tickets without paying their dues.


Juniors and seniors, do you need a tuxedo or suit for prom? Coupons to Top Hat are available in the main office on a first-come, first-served basis. They will only be available for pickup between classes.

Stop in and get one before they’re gone!


Join Whitehall Waves! New swimmers: Visit the Zephyr Buzz newsletter and use the link or QR code to register for a swim evaluation.

The spring session begins March 24 and runs through May 17, Mondays-Thursdays, after school.

Email whitehallwaves@gmail.com with questions.


Registration is open for Tri-Boro Soccer for the spring session. The IU8-U19 recreational program is for birth year 2006-19. The season starts next month.

Register at triborosoccer.org. Space is limited.


Zephyr Elementary School’s yearbook sale is underway. Yearbooks are $25. The deadline to order is next month.

Visit orders.christmascitystudio.com to get started. The session password is ZephESYB25.


Calling all freshmen and sophomores: The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lehigh Valley program needs you. Sign-ups have begun for the mentoring program, where high school students (also known as Bigs) are matched with elementary school students (aka Littles) to be role models and friends. You will meet with your Little once a week to play games, help with schoolwork and just talk about life.

Stop by the counseling office with questions.


Registration is now open for the Whitehall Police Youth Academy. This is the fourth year Whitehall Police Department is hosting of the program. The academy is open to fifth- and sixth-graders who are residents of Whitehall Township.

It runs 9 a.m.-3 p.m. June 23-27. There is no cost, and lunch is provided daily.

Students will learn about crime scene processing, see canine demonstrations and police station tours, do team-building activities and enjoy presentations from other law enforcements.

If you would like to register, visit the police department’s Facebook page or Officer Christman’s X page at @SRO_Christman. A detailed flier and registration will be emailed to you.

Space is limited to 36 participants, so register now!

Contact Officers Christman or Carter at christmanm@whitehallcoplay.org or carterq@whitehallcoplay.org with questions.


If you are an administrator, teacher, coach, club adviser, student or PTO member, email me at JMBNews@hotmail.com with Whitehall-Coplay School District News in the subject. Send information two weeks prior to an event to be included in this column. You can also send me pictures and details of the great things happening in your classroom. Weekly columns are completed the weekend before going to press Wednesdays.