Communities That Care looks into mentoring program options
During the Catasauqua Communities That Care meeting Feb. 19, coalition members heard an update on the effort to add a mentoring program in Catasauqua Area School District.
Amy Dymond-Jones, Catasauqua Middle School counselor and CTC coordinator, said she is in talks with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Lehigh Valley to see what programs and services they might be able to offer. They are also still exploring if students can be trained in the Check and Connect program.
According to Dymond-Jones, vaping presentations are planned for grades 6-8, and Catch My Breath for grade 5 will be held in the spring.
It was reported the CMS students recently took a Olweus Bullying Prevention Program survey. The CTC is expecting to have the results to analyze and explore for the March meeting.
Additionally, it was noted they are looking for a new social emotional learning screener for use in the district.
Shelley Keffer, coordinator of student services, reported she has spoken with Valley Youth House, and they will continue offering Bounce Back, CBITS and Second Step for next year. She said they are also looking to doing specific types of group counseling and will provide a therapist to assist with programs.
It was mentioned Salisbury Behavioral Health could potentially offer focused groups as well.
Lois Reed, organizer of the Catasauqua Community Cares Program, reported they got positive feedback for supplying valentines. She said they gave valentines to 40 elementary students to give out to their classes. Reed hopes to continue the initiative.
According to Reed, they are preparing for the Easter break. C3P provides more than 100 students with weekly bags of food to get them through the weekend and holiday breaks.
She said they have not been receiving any food items from Second Harvest Food Bank, but the monthly dress-down days for staff have helped keep food donations coming in. Additionally, CMS students took part in the Souper Bowl of Caring during February. The donated food items will be split between C3P and Catasauqua Area Food Bank.
The next Catasauqua CTC meeting is set for 7:45 a.m. March 19 in the district administration board room, 201 N. 14th St.