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Catasauqua: Morning Glories sets meeting

The Morning Glories of Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church, 604 Fourth St.., Catasauqua, will next meet 10 a.m. March 17. The speaker will be Tom Lindeman, a bee keeper.


The Friends of Catasauqua Parks next meets 6:30 p.m. March 19 at the municipal complex, 90 Bridge St. The mission of the group is to improve the quality of life of Catasauqua residents through recreational fundraising events to sustain its parks.

New volunteers and members are encouraged to join. There are no costs or dues.


Historic Catasauqua Preservation Association will be having a pierogi sale, with pickup set for 2-6 p.m. March 28 in the basement of St. John Fisher Catholic Church, 1239 Third St., North Catasauqua.

The deadline for orders is March 22. Only cash or checks will be accepted.

Preorder by texting or calling 610-739-1016 or 610-533-3633, by emailing historiccatasauqua@gmail.com or by using the online order form found on the Historic Catasauqua Preservation Association Facebook page.


Attention, Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church members: Remember the Redner’s Save-a-Tape program. If you shop at Redner’s, be sure to get a free Save-a-Tape card at the customer service desk.

When you make a purchase, give your card to the cashier to scan. Place your receipts in the basket in the giving area in the back of the sanctuary so the points can be submitted. Holy Trinity receives 1% of the purchase (excluding milk, tobacco and tax).


My email address is lhahn775@verizon.net if there is any information you would like published in this column. Make sure you get any information to me no later than the Saturday before the following Thursday publication.

Wishing all a great week!