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Entry deadline March 15

Submissions are being accepted for the 20th annual Lehigh Valley Press Student Poetry Project.

In celebration of National Poetry Month, which is April, poems will be selected in Elementary School, Middle School and High School categories.

First, second and third place poems in each category will be published in the April 23 and 24 Focus section in the eight Lehigh Valley Press newspapers and websites.

Three students in each category may have their first-place poem and photo (with the permission of the student’s parent or guardian) published on the front page of the Focus section.

Each of the first-place student poets will be invited to read their poem and be interviewed on “Lehigh Valley Arts Salon,” 6 p.m. April 21, WDIY 88.1, Lehigh Valley Public Radio.

Entry guidelines: https://www.lvpnews.com/