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Armstrong bids farewell at South Whitehall meeting


Special to The Press

Lehigh County Executive Phil Armstrong spoke at the beginning of the South Whitehall commissioners Feb. 5 meeting.

Armstrong, in his farewell address, expressed gratitude for the cooperation between local government and municipalities over the past seven years.

He emphasized his ongoing commitment to addressing key issues, particularly housing, and ensuring solutions are implemented cooperatively.

Armstrong highlighted efforts to improve fire training facilities and address staffing shortages in essential services, including the jail, senior home, and 911 operations.

He also touched on his support for municipalities’ financial planning and the upcoming radio project, vital for local fire departments.

Commissioner Jacob Roth asked about Cedarbrook Senior Care and Rehabilitation.

Armstrong acknowledged some delays in construction, mentioning an unexpected issue during excavation that required additional work, including pouring cement.

He expressed confidence the project would be completed soon, with the ribbon-cutting ceremony likely taking place after he leaves office.

Despite setbacks, he assured everyone the project is on track and remains a personal priority.

Acknowledging the challenges of public service, Armstrong thanked his colleagues and residents for their support.

He reassured them despite term limits, he will remain active in government by serving on the National County Executives Board after his tenure.

“There are term limits,” Armstrong said. “Have no choice. I’m not retiring.”

In other matters, the December 2024 Financial Review Year-to-Date Report was given by Director of Finance Tricia Dickert.

She said all funds came in under budget for expenses, demonstrating the township staff’s careful management of resources.

Most revenues exceeded 100 percent of expectations, which is a positive indicator.

However, Dicker clarified that the December financial report isn’t final, as expenses and revenues will continue to be adjusted for the next 90 days.

A more definitive report, including a final audit, will be available by April, offering a clearer picture of the township’s financial standing.

Director of Community Development Dave Manhardt led a discussion on the Jordan Valley Overlay.

The Jordan Valley zoning update focuses on the implementation of a new overlay for development, designed to preserve open space while allowing for growth in South Whitehall.

The overlay concept, influenced by the comprehensive and landscape plans, promotes “conservation subdivision” development, where housing is clustered on smaller lots to preserve larger areas of open space.

The project emphasizes a balance between conservation and development through categories of open space, such as conservation and civic space.

A dedicated website has been created to share this information with the public and gather feedback.

The site includes project background, development types (e.g., village, residential, mixed-use), visual aids like diagrams, and a comment form for public input.

Several commissioners expressed their appreciation for the work done on this zoning update, highlighting its potential to balance development with preservation.

They praised the user-friendly, educational design of the website and the collaborative efforts between the township and consultants.

The project aims to incentivize private developers to invest in preservation while creating high-quality, attractive housing.

Next will be moving toward a written ordinance, and once a developer expresses interest, the project could proceed with implementation.

The board looks forward to receiving public feedback and progressing with this initiative.

PRESS PHOTO BY MICHAEL HIRSCHLehigh County Executive Phillips Armstrong at the lectern addressed South Whitehall commissioners on Feb. 5. Listening to his presentation are: Anthony Tallarida, assistant engineer, Joseph Zator, township solicitor, Chris Peischl, commissioner, Monica Hodges, vice president, Diane Kelly, president, Jacob D. Roth, assistant secretary, Thomas Johns, commissioner, Thomas Petrucci, township manager, and Interim/Acting Chief of Police Steven G. Brown.