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Town hall meetings

Fire department details need for more volunteers, funding

East Allen Township Volunteer Fire Department held two town hall meetings Feb. 26 at the township municipal building to discuss the status of the department. Deputy Chief Ray Henry was the chief spokesperson.

“We are in a really bad situation,” Henry told attendees at the start of the meeting. “That is why we are here today.”

Henry provided an overview of the history of the fire department, which began in 1979. He explained the equipment used by the fire department, noting it has six fire vehicles — a pumper truck, two tanker trucks, a combination pumper/tanker, a rescue truck and a tower truck that can reach up to 95 feet. The costs to purchase trucks were laid out, including the recent purchase of a 2026 Pierce pumper/tanker at a cost of $1,100,000.

Henry shared the finances of the department, noting it has a $147,000 budget. Income includes $65,000 from the township, $12,000 from fundraising, $40,000 from the fund drive and $30,000 from a cell tower rental. Henry urged residents to assist the fire department during the annual fund drive to ensure the department’s survival.

Primary expenses are $70,000 for apparatus maintenance and repair costs and $36,000 for building maintenance and repairs.

The discussion then shifted to individual costs. Henry said it costs about $6,700 to add a new firefighter to the department roster. These costs include uniform and training. He added a firefighter uniform is custom fit for safety. If a firefighter leaves the department, that expense cannot be retrieved, as the uniform would not fit another firefighter.

The income improvement solutions topic included grant opportunities, a township fire tax, increased fundraising and planned or joint purchases with other area fire departments.

Henry said the East Allen Township Fire Department receives 300-350 calls per year, but the number is increasing. The department responds to a wide variety of calls, including fires, downed trees, burn complaints, rescues, carbon monoxide incidents, motor vehicle accidents and medical assists.

He said the eastern part of the township is covered by East Allen, Bath and Hanover fire companies, while the western part of East Allen is covered by East Allen, Allen and Northampton fire departments.

This multiple station fire coverage sounds good in theory, but Henry said a recent call had the three departments showing up to the emergency with a collective total of just six firefighters. He noted many volunteer fire departments are struggling to keep a fully staffed department.

Henry said the average age of a volunteer firefighter is 48 years old. He said East Allen has 25 firefighters — 11 interior firefighters, five exterior firefighters, six fire police and three junior firefighters. The department averages three or four firefighters at a fire call response.

Henry noted the requirements of being a volunteer firefighter have grown over the years. Firefighters need to be certified as an FF1 (Firefighter One), which takes 280 hours of training, ongoing training and responding to daily calls.

Retaining firefighters is reportedly an enormous challenge. The department, with the assistance of the East Allen Township Board of Supervisors, has developed a firefighter retention and recruitment program. It includes a $10 stipend for responding to fire calls, local and county tax rebates, free training and a fire education bonus.

Future plans could be a scholarship program for firefighters, a potential clothing allowance, an annual banquet, live-in program and a Citizens Fire Academy.

“Understand, we are just getting by,” Henry said at the end of his presentation. “Tomorrow, the doors could close.”

Resident comments were mixed, with one resident saying they do not want to pay more taxes and another saying she would welcome an increase to assist the fire department.

“I learned a lot today. Thank you,” a resident said. “I don’t care if we have a tax increase for this.”

Another comment was that people are too busy with their lives to volunteer to be a firefighter. Another suggested a private fire department.

PRESS PHOTOS BY BILL LEINER JR.Firefighter Tom Gehringer urged residents to respond to the annual fire department fund drive during one of the East Allen Township Volunteer Fire Department town hall meetings held Feb. 26.
Residents attend the town hall meeting to learn more about the fire department.
PRESS PHOTO BY BILL LEINER JR.Deputy Fire Chief Ray Henry, of the East Allen Township Volunteer Fire Department, addresses attendees at one of the town hall meetings held Feb. 26.