Northampton police
Northampton police responded to these and other calls recently.
FEB. 5
Suspicious person reports were investigated in the 1500 block of Canal Street, for a male, and in the 900 block of Main Street, for two males.
Officers assisted a male in the unit block of West 21st Street and a female in the 600 block of Walker Drive.
Traffic stops were conducted on West Ninth Street, at Laubach and Washington avenues, in the unit block of West 21st Street, at Cherryville Road and West 28th Street, at Canal and Stewart streets and at Main and Bridge streets.
A report of credit card fraud in the 900 block of Main Street was investigated.
FEB. 6
Police checked on the welfare of a female in the 200 block of West 14th Street.
Traffic stops were conducted at East 21st Street and Laubach Avenue, at Washington Avenue and East 21st Street, at East 10th Street and Lincoln Avenue and in the 500 block of East 21st Street.
Officers checked on the welfare of males in the 2400 block of Main Street and the 2300 block of Washington Avenue.
Police assisted a male in the 100 block of Held Drive.
A reported juvenile problem had police in the 700 block of Washington Avenue.
An unattended death in the 600 block of East 21st Street was investigated.
FEB. 7
Traffic stops were conducted at Main and East 16th streets and in the 1600 block of Laubach Avenue.
Police checked on the welfare of a male in the 1900 block of Main Street.
Officers assisted females in the 500 block of Washington Avenue and the 500 block of East Second Street.
A reported disturbance was investigated in the 1600 block of Newport Avenue.
FEB. 8
Officers assisted Coplay police in the 900 block of Main Street.
At Main and East 21st streets, a report of a juvenile issue was handled.
Police checked on the welfare of males in the 100 block of West 29th Street, the 100 block of Held Drive and the 2000 block of Center Street and on a female in the 1800 block of Main Street.
One vehicle was involved in a reportable accident at Pine Valley and Woodmont lanes.
A domestic dispute occurred in the 1600 block of Newport Avenue.
At Canal Street and Laubach Avenue, a traffic stop was conducted.
Officers responded to a disturbance in the 2000 block of Center Street.
Suspicious activity in the 2000 block of Main Street was reported.
FEB. 9
Police checked on the welfare of a female in the 1500 block of Newport Avenue and on a male in the 1300 block of Newport Avenue.
A hit and run took place in the 1300 block of Newport Avenue. An offending vehicle backed into a legally parked vehicle and left the scene.
A civil matter occurred in the 1600 block of Lincoln Avenue.
Officers responded to a report of an intoxicated male in the 1300 block of Newport Avenue.
FEB. 10
Police checked on the welfare of a female in the 300 block of East 11th Street and on a male in the 1900 block of Main Street.
In the unit block of East Seventh Street, a report of a civil issue had police at the scene.
An unwanted male in the unit block of East Seventh Street was reported.
Officers assisted a female in the 500 block of Washington Avenue.
Juvenile problems were reported in the 100 block of Main Street and the 1600 block of Railroad Street.
FEB. 11
Police conducted outstanding warrant services in the 1600 block of Newport Avenue, for a male who was transported to the station and later to Northampton County Prison, and in the 1400 block of Laubach Avenue, for a male who was released to Northampton County constables.
Officers checked on the welfare of a male in the 1700 block of Main Street.
At East 10th Street and Washington Avenue, a traffic stop was conducted.
An unwanted male in the 300 block of East 12th Street was reported.
Officers assisted a female in the 1300 block of Laubach Avenue and a male in the 1800 block of Lincoln Avenue.
A hit and run occurred at Main and 19th streets. A green pickup truck with a trailer attached reportedly struck two vehicles and left the scene.
FEB. 12
Traffic stops were conducted in the 700 block of Washington Avenue, the unit block of West 21st Street, at East 21st and Mill streets and at Northampton Avenue and East 21st Street.