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Moore supervisors hear plan for municipal building

At the Feb. 4 Moore Township Board of Supervisors meeting, Boyle Construction Management provided a presentation of a feasibility study for the municipal building, 2491 Community Drive. The supervisors have been discussing either a renovation or replacement of the building for the last two years.

The plan is to raise the funds via grants and a low-interest loan to pay for the major project.

The three options provided by Boyle are to demolish the current building and construct a new building, a renovation of the current building with an additional wing to the building or a smaller renovation of the current building with an addition.

Boyle noted the costs for the three are $12.7 million for the first option, $12.5 million for the second option and $8.8 million for the third.

Township Manager Stephen Nowroski said he is already investigating grant opportunities to fund the project. Boyle added the renovation or rebuild of a new municipal building will take about two years to complete.

An outline and information about the feasibility study is available at the township office. It was emphasized this feasibility study might change as the decision process develops.

In other business, Logan Cupples, from Boy Scout Troop 33 of Bath, approached the supervisors about his Eagle Scout project. He plans to build 10 bat boxes and two owl nesting boxes. Five of the bat boxes and one owl nesting box would be at Schiavone Park, and five bat boxes and one owl nesting box would be at the Appalachian Trail Park in Moore Township. Cupples will also complete minor landscaping improvements at both parks.

It was noted bats eat about 1,000 mosquitoes in an evening. It was also noted a bard or a barn owl will eat up to 1,000 rodents a year.

In the fire department’s January report, it was noted there were 46 calls that included five fires. There were 95 ambulance calls during January.

In the public works department report, Craig Hoffman indicated the department staff continues winter maintenance. Hoffman said the 6500 Chevrolet dump truck was ordered but may take up to six months for delivery.

In the land and environmental protection board report, there were two easement stewardship endowments approved totaling more than $51,000. The Carpency Conservation Easement Agreement of Sale was approved to preserve 13.6 acres.

Longtime land and environmental protection board volunteer and original board member John Neirer retired. He was thanked by the supervisors for his many years of service.

In the zoning hearing board update, the supervisors appointed Victoria B. Valentine De Dominic to be the alternate.

The supervisors approved resolution 2025-07 to add 168 acres to the Ag Security Area, and resolution 2025-08 amended the towing providers policy used by the township police to tow a vehicle. The selected tow companies would have to be approved by the police chief and the township manager.

Ordinance 2025-1, regarding the tax duplicate and tax certification fees, established fees of $20 for a tax duplicate and $40 for a tax certification. All ordinances and resolutions are available for review by visiting mooretownship.org or calling the township office.
