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Mayor’s Message: Looking ahead to festive events around town

Greetings, my fellow Northamptonians and a very happy St. Patrick’s Day to our neighbors of Irish decent and those of you who are Irish just for that day.

With the overwhelming requests for Hometown Heroes banners I’m still receiving, I will open up the project for one last time. Applications will be accepted March 31-April 17, with a hard deadline so I can get the photos retouched and banners ordered and back in time to hang before our Memorial Day celebration May 26.

Get your applications now and be ready to get them back to borough hall when the time comes. I couldn’t be happier or more thankful for your help in making this project such a success, with even more of our veterans to be honored through these upcoming requests.

Speaking of celebrations, plans are already on the table for a plethora of communitywide events in 2025.

You can start off with our fire department’s St. Patrick’s breakfast 8-11 a.m. March 9 at the fire station on Lerchenmiller Drive. You’ll be glad you started your day with the plentiful breakfast fare the firefighters will cook up for you and the family.

The department will then hold its annual purse bingo March 30, also at the fire station. Pick up your tickets at the breakfast!

Be sure to check out the Northampton Borough Fire Department Facebook page for more information.

Mark your calendar for our Easter egg hunt April 12, starting 11 a.m. at Municipal Park.

The Northampton Police Department invites you to spend the day on the Hokendauqua Creek 8 a.m.-4 p.m. April 19 for its annual fishing derby. With plenty of freshly stocked trout to catch, along with the wide array of prizes at the adjoining basket party, it’s a great way to spend a springtime day outdoors with the family.

In May, as I mentioned, we’ll commemorate the selfless sacrifices of our local veterans on Memorial Day, May 26, with a ceremony 11 a.m. at Memorial Park on Washington Avenue. It’s always an honor for me to be invited to speak at this event, as moved as I am by the sacrifices so many have made for our freedoms.

As the temperatures continue to warm up, Canal Street Park takes center stage with Paw Prints on the Canal June 8. With more than 100 vendors to accommodate your pet needs, this walk through the park is one of the most enjoyable you’ll take.

Looking further ahead, we’ll have the ever-entertaining and enjoyable Community Days Fair, sponsored by Northampton Exchange Club. It is scheduled for July 16-19, closing with the fireworks spectacular we’ve all come to enjoy.

I’ll report back to you on the events in the second half of the year, as the dates and times get closer. Needless to say, I’ll be looking forward to our Northampton Area Chamber of Commerce hosting the 35th annual Northampton Uptown Street Fair, our popular Jack Frost Parade and the winter wonderland transformation at the recreation center for the tree-lighting celebration.

Wow, that’s quite a list of events for a little town like Northampton! For all the time and planning that go into these events, the ultimate success depends on you. Your patronage keeps our local organizations alive to thrive and builds a better Northampton.

We’re blessed we have so many opportunities throughout the year to bring our town together, provide avenues to meet new friends and neighbors and for everyone to get out and enjoy our parks and gathering spaces. I truly look forward to seeing you out and about at these events.

Lastly, I want to honor my good friend and mentor, Marty Fella, who recently died. Marty and I not only shared a love of photography, but also a love for serving this fine borough. He dedicated countless hours of service to the citizens and businesses of our community, always with a smile on his face. He was nothing short of legendary, not soon to be forgotten or replaced.

Rest in peace, my friend, and thank you for the love and service you gave to Northampton.

Take care, everyone!

PRESS FILE PHOTONorthampton Mayor Anthony Pristash