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Letter to the Editor: Trump’s beatdown ‘appalling’

To the Editor:

Shocked, appalled, ashamed — words alone can’t convey my feelings upon witnessing President Donald Trump’s uncontrolled, televised tirade during his meeting with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Feb. 28. The president’s verbal outbursts were stunning in terms of their anger, rudeness and arrogance, his demand for subservience and the clarity he provided concerning his compassion and support for Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.

If you haven’t yet watched the beatdown that President Trump applied to President Zelenskyy, you owe it to yourself to do so and to witness his approach to foreign relations. Reports are that the beatdown delighted Russia’s leaders, along with several Republican leaders in the United States.

It sickened me, as I still believe it to be important for the USA to strive for the moral high ground on our planet and to behave and interact with other people and nations with civility and honor. There was little civility or honor for we Americans to lay claim to at Friday’s meeting.

I protest and condemn the disgraceful conduct of our president and vice president. They are very powerful and clearly desirable of treating others like dirt, but they don’t represent me or my beliefs.

Harold S. Vandegrift

North Catasauqua