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Gas main replacement project underway in Coplay

A gas main replacement project is underway in Coplay Borough.

According to UGI Utilities Inc., the project began this week and is expected to be completed by mid-May.

Coplay Police Department reported UGI had already been working to replace utility lines in the area, adding this next phase of work is expected to be more intense.

UGI is warning drivers, residents and business owners they might experience road closures, detours and traffic delays during construction hours, 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.

The following streets will be impacted and have intermittent detours and parking restrictions:

• Center Street between Peach Alley and South 12th Street

• Center Circle between Center Street and the end of Center Circle

• South 10th Street between Center and Hokendauqua streets

• South 12th Street between Center Street and Magna Drive

• Magna Drive between South 12th and Coplay streets

• Coplay Street between Magna Drive and Peach Alley

• Saylor Drive between Magna Drive and Coplay Street

Per the borough ordinance, UGI will repave all affected roadways at the completion of the project.

The police department is asking residents to be aware and take note of signage indicating work days, parking restrictions and detours. It noted private driveways and garages are always the best options for avoiding parking issues, and multivehicle families may need to make arrangements to prevent issues with roadside parking.

Additionally, the police department reminds residents to make sure their vehicle registration is up to date. If an officer cannot track down the owner of a vehicle that needs to be moved, the vehicle may be towed and parking citations could be issued.

UGI also reported there will be some interruptions to natural gas service. This will require UGI to have access to properties to inspect and relight equipment.