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Fullerton: St. Elizabeth’s plans buffet

St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church, 618 Fullerton Ave., will hold its aparish buffet 8:30-11:30 a.m. March 9 in the parish hall. Come fill up on all your favorites of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries, pancakes, French toast sticks, Danish, juice and coffee.

Children ages 10 and under eat for free.


Daylight saving time begins March 9. Be sure to turn your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed March 8.


St. Elizabeth’s will be selling Papa Sarge’s Pierogies, which are perfect for meatless meals during the Lenten season. The pierogies come in a bag of a dozen.

Pickup is 4-6 p.m. March 21 or 9-10 a.m. March 22 in the parish hall.

Orders are due by March 10. Order forms are on the church website, at church, in the parish office and on Facebook.

Call the parish office with any questions at 610-266-0695.


Fullerton American Legion Post 367 Auxiliary will meet 6:30 p.m. March 11 at the Post, 609 Fullerton Ave.


Whitehall Active Community Center, 2301 Pine St., will be hosting a senior care panel noon March 11. This is a free event and is open to the public.

The panel consists of Mary Ann Pickell, of Care Patrol; Tom Applebach, director of Veterans Affairs of Lehigh County; Kathy Baker, of United Healthcare Medicare and Retirement; Sherri Ogada, of Fox Rehab; and an elder law attorney.

Learn more about senior communities, veterans benefits, retirement, physical and occupational therapy at home and estate and will planning. Get all of your questions answered.


St. Elizabeth’s will be holding its annual parish Lenten fish dinner 4-6 p.m. March 21. Preorders are required.

Order forms are on the website, in the back of the church and in the parish office.


There are still seats available for the mature driver safety class. When completed, attendees may receive a 5% discount on their automobile insurance.

The eight-hour AARP Smart Driver course will be held noon-4 p.m. March 18 and 25 in Crest Hall at Luther Crest Lutheran Senior Service, 800 Hausman Road, Allentown.

There is a discount registration fee for AARP members. Cash, check and money orders will be accepted as payment.

Call Gwen at 610-379-6823 to register, for the price or more information.


St. John’s United Church of Christ, 575 Grape St., will be having an Easter and spring craft sale. The crafters group will have items for sale March 16 and 23.

Choose from bunnies, chicks, table runners, T-towels, decorations, household and kitchen items, 12-bean soup mix, baby items and much more. All items will be available in the lounge area before or after worship.


My email address is lhahn775@verizon.net if there is any information you would like published in this column. My next column will appear in The Press March 20, so I need your information no later than March 14.

Thanks for your cooperation. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all!