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Warehouse project raises traffic, safety, noise concerns


Special to The Press

The North Whitehall Planning Commission met Jan. 29 to discuss the Nexus 78 land development project, which involves consolidating multiple tax parcels and a 501,405 square-foot warehouse.

The project is proposed for Route 309 and Orefield Road, Orefield.

Key changes by Trammell Crow Co., include reducing the building size, which had been 547,500 square feet, adding a walking path, and installing a visual screen along the Pa. Turnpike edge of the property line to shield nearby Jaindl Farms.

Traffic concerns were raised, with projections of 150 entering and exiting trucks daily.

The project could align with PennDOT’s Route 309 Betterment Project, expected to start in 2026 but that would be if it was completed before the building.

Planning Commission Chairman Brian Horwith commented on the proposal.

“My fear is this project being operational without the betterment project being 100 percent completed,” Horwith said. “If it takes until 2047 to complete, it is a bad idea.

“We will still have persistent safety and liability concerns, with this Orefield intersection and this is like putting lipstick on a pig.”

The planning commission emphasized the need for adequate queuing space, pedestrian safety and coordination with Lehigh County Transportation.

The project also includes environmental and sewage disposal compliance.

Planners discussed the impact of a proposed warehouse on traffic and safety.

The warehouse, located near Route 309, would generate 300-500 daily truck trips, potentially increasing local traffic by 1,000 vehicles daily.

Concerns were raised about the safety of left turns onto Route 309, particularly during peak hours, and the noise and vibration levels, which could exceed township limits.

The planning commission considered interim improvements to facilitate truck movements and discussed the need for a new traffic signal at the intersection of Orefield Road and Route 309.

Residents expressed concerns about noise, safety and the impact on local infrastructure and quality of life.

Orefield Road resident Sam Claudio, whose house lies adjacent to the proposed warehouse, said it already takes his wife 20 minutes to get out of their driveway and he is concerned it could take her an hour with the truck traffic.

The planning commission will review additional comments from the township engineer and emergency services regarding traffic safety and concerns.

The applicant agreed to address these comments and to provide additional information as needed.

Planners discussed the need for further coordination with South Whitehall Township regarding the lot consolidation plan.

The issue was tabled and concluded with a plan to continue discussions and address any remaining issues in future meetings.

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY NORTH WHITEHALLThe North Whitehall Planning Commission reviewed the Nexus 78 land development proposal. The project aims to consolidate several tax parcels and will feature the construction of a 501,405-square-foot warehouse, at the intersection of Route 309 and Orefield Road in Orefield.