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Students dress in their finest for semiformal at SMS

PRESS PHOTOS BY KATHY HASSICKLEFT: A vision in blue, Chloe Bianco stands amid the snowflakes at the Salisbury Middle School winter semiformal dance Feb. 21.
Salisbury Middle School teachers Matt Tobias, Christy Cooper and Laura Ede are not only in charge of ticket taking but bringing the fun as well.
Ziahny Brown, Tatianna Lopez and Olivia Lelko take a break from dancing to stand for a photo at the Salisbury Middle School winter semiformal.
ABOVE: Dressed to impress are Jeziel Santiago and Emil Perez. Additional photos appear on Page A2.
Hanging out with friends during the Salisbury Middle School semiformal are Regan Weirbach, Sophia Butler, Katelyn Sorensen and Emma Reveron.
Striking a pose at the Salisbury Middle School semiformal are fifth grade students Madelyn Hernandez and Charlee Patterson.
Seventh and eighth grade students enjoy gathering with friends to dance and socialize during the Feb. 21 Salisbury Middle School semiformal dance.
The line to the photo booth is as busy as the dance floor as students queue up to have their picture taken with friends during the semiformal dance.