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Pond management webinar series starts March 19

Penn State Extension

Pond management webinar series starts March 19

Penn State Extension will host a pond management webinar series noon to 1 p.m. March 19 and 26 and April 2 and 9.

The series is aimed at private pond owners, landscape and property managers, pond service providers and contractors and individuals interested in identifying and controlling aquatic plants.

Whether individuals are looking to improve a pond’s health, address challenges or deepen their knowledge, the series provides the expertise and tools to make the most of the aquatic environment, according to organizers.

Sessions will cover:

•Basic pond design features and caring for a pond.

•Common pond problems and how to identify and manage them.

•Identification and management of native and invasive aquatic plants.

•Nuisance algae in ponds and effective management strategies.

•Common pond wildlife and strategies for management.

Registration deadline is noon March 19.

Registrants will receive a discount code in their confirmation email to access the following publications at no cost: “Management of Fish Ponds in Pennsylvania” and “A Field Guide to Common Aquatic Plants of Pennsylvania.”

More information is available on the Penn State Extension website at https://extension.psu.edu/pond-management-series.