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Police and ambulance reports presented at Macungie Borough Council meeting Feb. 18

At the Feb. 18 Macungie Borough Council meeting, residents had their time to make complaints, offer observations and other comments.

A resident who lives on Main Street made a comment about plowing on Main Street (Route 100). The resident spoke about the roadway being cleaned thoroughly but suggested the plows need to slow down. In their mission to plow the streets, the plow drivers seem to be going rather fast, which throws the slush back onto sidewalks. It causes problems for residents who must keep sidewalks clear.

Another comment was made about the windy conditions recently which caused trash receptacles and recycling containers to be blown away. Macungie Borough Council Member Greg Hutchison made the observation as he went to pick up his containers. Noticing them missing from the sidewalk, he did observe these items were actually placed on his porch.

Assuming Whitetail personnel noticed the problem and placed the receptacles on his porch, he then made a call to the company to compliment them on their service. If it had been a neighbor, he also expressed his gratitude.

The department of public works requested a plow repair in the amount of $3,800. This was approved by council.

Macungie Police Department made a recommendation to hire Raphael Rivera as a 30-hour patrol officer. This was approved by council.

Macungie Ambulance responded to 405 calls in January with 22 of these calls in Macungie borough.

There was a noticeable decrease in call volume compared to the last two years. There can be numerous reasons for this decrease. Evaluation of trends will continue, according to meeting discussion.

Macungie Police reported seven crimes in January. There were also three adult arrests. In addition, there were two vehicle accidents, 59 traffic stops and 34 citations, warnings or parking incidents.

The zoning department issued its monthly report. The Fields at Brookside has 44 permits issued by the department.

In other borough news, Allen Organ headquarters is demolished. Work has started on new apartment units on the site.

Glenn Granitz resigned from the planning commission.
