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Penn State Extension offers online pest control course

Penn State Extension

Online pest control course offered

Penn State Extension is offering a new, online, self-paced course to teach pesticide applicators about the latest updates in agronomic pest control.

“What’s New in Agronomic Pest Control: 2025” will include educational videos covering herbicide updates for 2025, company and product information, how weather affected root rot in small grains and corn tar spot disease, controlling western corn rootworm and using the Open Crop Manager platform to collect and analyze soybean data.

Participants will learn to:

•Recognize various active ingredients in new herbicide products.

•Use glufosinate herbicide safely and effectively.

•Effectively control western corn rootworm using transgenic insecticidal traits.

•Minimize slug damage by planting soybeans in a timely manner.

•Utilize information from the Penn State Agronomy Guide and the Crop Protection Network.

By successfully completing this course, including passing a final quiz, participants can earn two Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture pesticide applicator recertification credits in categories 1, 18 or private, as well as a certificate of completion.

A discounted registration fee is available until March 2.

More information is available on the Penn State Extension website at extension.psu.edu/agronomic-pest-control.