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Editor’s View: A touch of spring fever

At least for a couple of days, my winter blues subsided.

The sun shone brightly, and warmer temps in the Lehigh Valley — 46 degrees Fahrenheit on Sunday — were a welcome change from the recent days and weeks of cold rain, ice and snow.

I put away two winter quilts and even left the back door open for the rays of sun to stream in.

WFMZ Meteorologist Matt Broderick, on Monday morning, forecast 49 degrees Fahrenheit for that day, 50 degrees Fahrenheit for Tuesday and 50 degrees Fahrenheit for Thursday.

Now I know March, and even early April, can bring back winter in full force, but I am choosing to enjoy the respite no matter how brief.

Daylight saving time will end March 9, pushing darkness forward until around 7 p.m.

Geraniums, gently dug from flower beds before last fall’s first frost, sit in pots in my kitchen and front porch, straining to reach the warm sun.

The leaves and stems of tomato plants growing in pots on the kitchen counters have intertwined themselves on the sticks placed in the soil to guide them.

When spring finally arrives, March 20 this year, I will go outside and gather the fallen branches to use next winter as kindling for the wood stove.

Lawn furniture will be removed from the garage, the garden will be rototilled, and dead weeds will be pulled from flower beds.

The poor geraniums may have to wait until May, or at least until I am certain all chance of freezing weather has passed, before they go outside once again.

And, the lawn ... well, that will be mowed when the grass has determined it is safe to grow without being coated with frost or — worse yet — snow.

Deb Palmieri


Parkland Press

Northwestern Press