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Mini-Thon has been, by far, the best experience of my time at Notre Dame. It’s a core memory I will cherish throughout my life. But why? Why and how would standing for 24 hours impact someone in such a way? It’s because of its message and sacrifice, and of course the kids.

If you’ve never heard of Mini-Thon, it is a charitable event whose main purpose is to raise money for finding a cure for pediatric cancer, one of the least researched cancers. Every year, Notre Dame, along with many other schools, participates in this event similar to Penn State’s 48-hour Thon.

The cause pushes many students and teachers to participate. Mrs. Fenton, a core faculty member of Notre Dame, has participated for 15 years, so this year was special and rewarding for her, as she showed up with her constant persistence and determination. Without her, the blessings of Mini-Thon would not be possible for our school and we all thank her.

For me, Mini-Thon was different this year. Everything was put into perspective because, as a senior, this would be my last year participating in an event I looked forward to for months. The hours full of dancing, games, food, late night concerts, pictures, haircuts, speakers, fashion shows and crying would soon slip through my fingers. While I wasn’t ready for this change, but I was sure I was ready for Mini-Thon.

Our Mini-Thon took place Feb. 15 and 16, with many new staff participating, including Mr. Demichelis, Mrs. Kopp and Mrs. Spoonley, who were all amazing additions. As the clock struck 9 a.m., we all stood up to begin the next 24 hours of this journey. From this moment on, we danced for the individuals who couldn’t. As previously mentioned, many activities occur during Mini-Thon so we are always engaged and awake. Two of my favorite activities were of course dancing but also the numerous speakers who visited to tell their stories. These moments during Mini-Thon are what make it all worth it.

Mini-Thon allows the children who fought for their lives to be heard, even if they are not with us today. Experiences from many different families and circumstances are shared which really put into perspective the true need for this event. Many children who should still be here today are not due to the lack of research, but Mini-Thon, including donations and the standing, allows for more children to survive cancer.

Mini-Thon allows you to make a difference and place meaning to your life. This small sacrifice of 24 hours proves that our efforts are so much bigger and influential than we realize. Even if from an outside perspective it doesn’t seem worth it, it truly is. I would stand 24 hours over and over again to make a difference to a suffering child, and I only thought this way after experiencing the best moments of my life at Mini-Thon. So yes, it is worth it because each minute and hour you stand, you are helping to save an innocent person’s life. For the last three years I have danced, but others must still dance until a cure is found.

Press photo by Norm SteinruckNotre Dame’s Mini-Thon raised $120,000, the most it has ever raised, and with fewer dancers than before COVID-19.