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Resident asks for cricket field in Upper Macungie


Special to The Press

The issue of not having a dedicated cricket field, despite interest in the sport, especially among the South Asian community, was discussed at the Feb. 6 Upper Macungie supervisors’ meeting.

Local physician, Dr. Satinder Singh, and Neera Sharma, township recreation board member, presented the case for a dedicated cricket field, explaining that around 10 percent to 12 percent of the township’s population is engaged in cricket.

The Lehigh Valley Cricket Club, which started with 20 members, has now grown to more than 220.

Members have been traveling to surrounding areas for matches.

While a field has been allocated in Farmington Hill Park, Lower Macungie, the club’s needs are growing, and they are seeking a temporary solution in the township.

The conversation touched on previous discussions, including a 2020 recommendation to supervisors for a cricket field, but no progress has been made, causing frustration.

“We have more than 40 baseball fields in the whole township, more than 50 soccer fields, but zero cricket,” Dr. Singh said. “If we can reallocate some of the fields toward cricket, I think that will be an immediate solution.

“I know there will be caveats, but where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

The board recognized the communication breakdown between the recreation board and supervisors.

Chairman Jeff Fleischaker recommended scheduling a meeting with Ryan Griffiths, recreation manager, to discuss possible options, including reallocating existing fields or creating a new one, though challenges such as costs and safety concerns would need to be addressed.

PRESS PHOTO BY MICHAEL HIRSCHDr. Satinder Singh at the lectern, Neera Sharma to his left, and Ryan Kern, township engineer, Andrew Schantz, Esq., solicitor, Kal Sostarecz, assistant township manager and director of Community Development, Jazmin Vazquez, township secretary, Sunny Ghai, vice chairman, Jeff Fleischaker, chairman, and Jim Brunnell, member, Robert Ibach, township manager, Police Chief Michael Sitoski, and Fire Commissioner Peter Christ attended the Feb. 6 meeting when a cricket field was discussed.