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SMS to host semiformal dance

Feb. 17 was Random Acts of Kindness Day. How did you celebrate? If you missed it, that’s OK, celebrate today. Give someone a card. Text someone just to say you miss them and set a date to get together. Give compliments to co-workers and family members, buy someone a cup of coffee or any other way you can think of to be kind to someone. Make every day Random Acts of Kindness Day!

Feb. 21 marks the last day of the second trimester for Salisbury Elementary School which means student-led parent conferences are arriving soon. SES will have early dismissals March 3-6 to hold conferences.

All Salisbury schools are closed March 7 for teacher professional development.

Salisbury Theatre will present “The Hello Girls” 7 p.m. March 13, 14 and 15 and 2 p.m. March 16. “The Hello Girls” is a musical set during World War I, based on the true story of telephone operators. Order your tickets now at salisburysd.hometownticketing.com.

Salisbury Middle School is hosting a semiformal dance Feb. 21. Grades 5 and 6 will attend 6-7:30 p.m. and grades 7 and 8 will attend 8-9:30 p.m.

The Salisbury High School chapter of National Honor Society is hosting a family game night 6:30-8:30 p.m. Feb. 28. Join us for a fun night of games and activities.

Have you driven by the South Mall lately? There is a lot going on there. Demolition on the former Bon-Ton has begun and the new Giant grocery store will be here in the fall of this year. For those of you concerned about the traffic, the parking lot is also getting a new look and configuration to alleviate those concerns.

Also in the South Mall is Caring Hearts Thrift Store. They are currently celebrating their one year anniversary at that location. Caring Hearts is a nonprofit organization with a goal “to give help and hope to the homeless, veterans and less fortunate throughout the Lehigh Valley and surrounding communities to lead better lives.” Justserve.org/caringdamhearts. Check them out at the South Mall and on Facebook at caringdamhearts.org. Just an FYI - they currently have prom dresses for sale for the upcoming season.

“Perfection is impossible, but you don’t stop aiming for it.” Saquon Barkley