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Celebrating Valentine’s Day with friends

Celebrating Valentine’s Day with friends

PRESS PHOTOS BY REBECCA FOEHRKOLBValentine parties were Feb. 13 at Salisbury Elementary School since schools were closed Feb. 14. LEFT: Ava Hissim and Aubriella Nemesch wear their heart outfits to the Valentine’s Day celebration at Salisbury Elementary School.
RIGHT: Sam Starsinic and Willow Snyder show their heart attire for Valentine’s Day festivities.
ABOVE: Kehlani Gonzalez, Eli Rivera, Cesar Pineda Galdamez, Matthew Pavolko and Mason Jackson show their goodies from their Valentine bags at Salisbury Elementary School.
ABOVE: Arianna Dries and Jayson Siegfried hold their Valentine’s Day bags. Additional photos appear on Page A11.
ABOVE RIGHT: Lincoln Rake and Gabriela Collado Tavares make a Valentine kindness bingo board.
FAR RIGHT: Sienna Ring, Ainsley Suhocki, Adalyn Reinhart and Emmett Masi show their favorite party treat.