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Bethany Church lot line adjustment approved

At the Feb. 6 Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting, a preliminary/final plan for lot consolidation and lot line adjustment for Bethany Church was proposed. It was recommended to just approve the lot line adjustment which is what occurred with Resolution 2025-05.

The sewage facility module was approved for 4444 East Texas Road for proposed apartments. Currently, the lot is a contractor storage facility with the proposal to be redeveloped into five apartments.

The sewage facility module was approved for 4451 Reservoir Hill Road. This was an approved project for the building of a residential home.

Resolution 2025-06 was approved for amendments to the fee schedule.

Jack Breiner resigned from the environmental advisory committee.

Erica Dreabit and Nancy Latanision were reappointed to the library board with terms to expire Jan. 31, 2028. Kevin Lukiewski was appointed to the vacant spot with his term to expire Jan. 31, 2027.

There was an executive session prior to the board meeting regarding land acquisition

There has been discussion on the finance plan for land acquisition. There was an approval by the commissioners to move forward with plans for a bond.
