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Valentine royalty

Coplay Saengerbund marks holiday with dancing, crowning of king and queen

Coplay Saengerbund’s heritage committee asked the community to come and share their “love with family, friends and your honey at the valentine’s dance,” held Feb. 16 at the 205 S. Fifth St. club.

The Emil Schanta Band entertained with its popular polka music. The dance floor was filled, as patrons danced and sang along to the band. The patrons’ enjoyment was clear and evident as they enthusiastically circled the dance floor.

The valentine dance king and queen were David and Joan Seglets, of Fullerton. They were happy at the recognition and overjoyed to be selected.

Shelly Wydock, who always wears a warm smile, was the ticket taker and greeted patrons as they arrived. She said she was impressed with the turnout for the dance.

Chris Kovalchik and his daughter Abigail, both from Indianpolis, Ind., attended the dance with their Northampton family members. Abigail danced with her father in a show of the valentine spirit.

Heritage committee members Emil and Marge Schanta, Frank and Mary Ellen Luizer, Hope and Gary Stroble and Matt and Mike Grislier also invite the community to other events at the Saengerbund.

There will be a St. Patrick’s Day celebration 3-6 p.m. March 16, featuring a guest appearance by traditional Irish dancers. More details are coming soon.

A country-western hoedown is scheduled for April 13, with the annual Viennese Ball set for April 27.

The May dance will be May 4 and will kick off the group’s outside events. It will feature the Schuhplattler dance troupe dancing around the Maypole.

These indoor late-winter and early-spring events are like the early crocuses that bloom first — and will likely lead to a full bloom of the Saengerbund’s busy weekend outdoor summer and fall events.

PRESS PHOTOS BY BILL LEINER JR.David and Joan Seglets, of Fullerton, are crowned king and queen at Coplay Saengerbund’s valentine dance, held Feb. 16.
The Emil Schanta Band entertains at the event at the 205 S. Fifth St. club.
PRESS PHOTO BY BILL LEINER JR.Shelly Wydock greets attendees with a smile during the Coplay Saengerbund’s valentine dance, held Feb. 16 at the 205 S. Fifth St. club.