Club’s noise ordinance exemption request approved
Coplay Borough Council, at its Feb. 11 meeting, approved a resolution to re-establish a noise ordinance exemption for Coplay Saengerbund, 205 S. Fifth St. This authorization, required every four years, allows the borough solicitor to prepare the petition with the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.
The club hosts outdoor bands throughout the year, prompting the request for a noise ordinance exemption.
Council also approved a one-year contract with J.P. Mascaro to use its facility as a drop-off for borough recycling. The action was needed because of the Greenstar Recycling fire Feb. 4 at its facility in Northampton Borough.
The borough’s multimodal street paving project is progressing, after council approved a $62,500 fee proposal from Acela Engineering. Coplay applied for the paving project grant two years ago and was approved for its $1 million request at the end of 2024.
In other business at the meeting, council approved its annual $500 donation to the Ironton Rail Trail Oversight Commission. Also approved was a request for the Coplay Public Library to use Saylor Park’s upper parking lot for a Vince’s Cheesesteak fundraiser May 17.
Council approved an estimate from Audio Video Specialists in the amount of $2,533.40 for the addition of cameras at the borough social hall. It was noted the cameras are for safety and surveillance.
Lehigh County Juvenile Probation received permission to use the borough gym for training May 1, 2, 8 and 9 as well as Sept. 18, 19, 25 and 26.
Council approved the purchase of a 2023 Dodge Charger and the cost of the upfitting — a total of $44,648.80 — from the department’s project escrow fund. This purchase will replace a vehicle that had been totaled.
A borough resident addressed council about parking concerns on Cherry Street. Nearby residents had been parking in the social hall lot to alleviate a shortage of street spaces in that area. The borough recently posted “no parking” signs at the social hall lot, prompting the discussion for a solution or compromise.
The discussion included the possibility of permitted parking there during the week but not weekends. The conversation will continue at upcoming meetings.
Council will next meet for a workshop March 4 and a regular meeting March 11. Both are held 7 p.m. at borough hall, 98 S. Fourth St.